Things out from under my desk FTMFW

Yesterday I finally moved the $WORK mail server (well, services) from a workstation under my desk to a proper VM and all. Mailman, Postfix, Dovecot -- all went. Not only that, but I've got them running under SELinux no less. Woot!

Next step was to update all the documentation, or at least most of it, that referred to the old location. In the process I came across something I'd written in advance of the last time I went to LISA: "My workstation is not important. It does no services. I mention this so that no one will panic if it goes down."

Whoops: not true! While migrating to Cfengine 3, I'd set up the Cf3 master server on my workstation. After all, it was only for testing, right? Heh. We all know how that goes. So I finally bit the bullet and moved it over to a now-even-more-important VM (no, not the mail server) and put the policy files under /masterfiles so that bootstrapping works. Now we're back to my workstation only holding my stuff. Hurrah!

And did I mention that I'm going to LISA? True story. Sunday I'm doing Amazon Web Services training; Monday I'm in the HPC workshop; Tuesday I'm doing Powershell Fundamentals (time to see how the other half lives, and anyway I've heard good things about Powershell) and Ganeti (wanted to learn about that for a while). As for the talks: I'm not as overwhelmed this year, but the Vint Cerf speech oughta be good, and anyhow I'm sure there will be lots I can figure out on the day.

Completely non-techrelated link of the day: "On Drawing". This woman is an amazing writer.