Cloud Sensor
- TEG cloud sensor
- Cloud Detection Part I
- Gadget Freak Case #253: Peltier Thermopile Cloud Sensor
- A Cloud Monitoring System for Remote Sites, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Volume 15, Issue 3 (and I think this is another presentation of this paper)
- Cloud sensor instructions, with suggestion to coat pelletier in candle soot to aid absorption
- Open-access cloud detection network, with good links (and a Github repo!) -- I think this is close to what I want to try
- Raspberry Pi Cloud Sensor (collaborating with Steve Marpole of the Open-access cloud detection network link above)
- Pelletier-based cloud sensor
- Commercial version of same
- Mrakomer cloud detectors
- Measuring temp using a Raspberry Pi
- MLX90614 IR Thermometer
- -- Canadian supplier
433 MHz Radio
- Tutorial
- RadioHead library -- supercedes VirtualWire
- Andreas Rohner's library for 433 MHz radios
- How to make an air-cooled 433MHz antenna