Mizzle Blonde Ale

I'm trying to get something close to Chilliwack Blonde Ale from the Old Yale Brewing Company; sadly, this is no longer made. The description on the bottle says:

The blonde falls into the category of a blonde ale or a cream ale. It is a blonde colored and very smooth drinking beer derived from a combination of pale, munic, and wheat malts. The hops are the Mt. Hood variety from the Yamika Valley in Washington.

An email from Larry at the Old Yale Brewing Co. said:

If you want to brew something like it use Gambrinus pale malt, some wheat and try different hops.

Oh, and the ABV was 5%.

My LHBS doesn't have Mount Hood, so I'll have to try Hallertauer.

  • 5 lb Gambrinus organic 2-row
  • 4 lb pale organic Munich malt (10 Lovibond)
  • 1 lb Wheat


  • 1 oz Hallertaur (4.2% AA) @ 60 minutes
  • 1 oz Hallertaur (4.2% AA) @ 30 minutes


  • Wyeast 1056 (American Ale)