Far too much Windows

Saturday after Patch Tuesday, and I spent far too much time today dealing with it. KB 911564 (aka Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Plug-in with Non-Microsoft Internet Browsers Could Allow Remote Code Execution) simply would not work, remotely nor interactively nor interactively through the Windows Update website. In the end, we had to go around booting machines into fucking safe mode (thank you, the posters of this thread, for the tip) in order to get the damned things to apply.

Sysinternal's handle showed that WinLogon.exe, for some reason, had C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player open, on one machine we checked that was having problems. No idea why, but it's about the only thing we could find that might be causing problems.

However, the news wasn't entirely bad...Windflower, the Perl-based rewrite of Ivy, actually patched a few machines today over an SSH session. Version 0.2 is available here. Hurray!