Time to fire up the IPv6 tunnel again

I've been fiddling with IPv6 for years, but have never actually done anything serious with it. When I started work at Dowco, and my web server was a 200MHz Pentium I inherited from friends of mine, my plan was to get a tunnel from Hurricane Electric, then run a tunnel broker service of my own for customers. (There was a burning thirst for IPv6 subnets, let me tell you) It foundered when it got to the point of coming up with a website that'd let you register; cookies and sessions and I don't know what all just bored me to tears.

At my next/last job, IPv6 was used in-house. The sysadmin before me had set up 6to4 because he wanted to connect to his machine at work without NAT. I kept it going long past the time he left, and as far as I know it's still there. But beyond presenting many more ways for DNS problems to screw things up, not much was ever done with it.

Last year I signed up for another account from HE, got a prefix, then lost track of it when it came time to add IPv6 rules for the firewall. Of course, there was other stuff going on too.

This year HE's registration form is borked, saying that it can't insert my MD5'd password into MySQL, so I've applied for an account with SixXS. (Sadly, it seems that despite appearances, my ISP isn't interested.) I've got a week's vacation coming up, so along with moving the server from Atlanta to home I think I'll try to get IPv6 working as well.

Next beer in Jerusalem! (Which, shet my mouth, is not even close to original.)