IPv6, Gibson, missing links

I spent the better part of the day yesterday setting up IPv6 at home now that I've got my subnet from SixXS. I'm running rtadvd on my OpenBSD firewall, and was testing it with rtsold on a laptop running OpenbSD. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong, but for the longest time all the laptop would pick up was the gateway; it would not set up a global address, but stick with the link-local address only. Every time I tried to ping the dancing turtle it would try sending it with the fe80 address, which of course did not work.

In the end, after a few reboots of both machines, it did work. My notes were a little thin (hey, this is my vacation here :-), but I can't think of what changed…the laptop just started setting itself a global address, routing worked, and that was that. Weird.

Next up will be to get the website working on IPv6. Maybe a dancing daemon or something…

And hey, I won tickets to see William Gibson speak! "Hey, Mr. Gibson...you know that book you wrote called Virtual Light? ...It was really cool." Ah, fanboys. But my wife wants to go too, 'cos she loved Pattern Recognition. Should be a fun night.

And I just realized that although I've been generating an RSS2 feed, I've never linked to the RSS2 feed until now. Enjoy.