Time for a change?

I came across Steve's blog compiler (wonderful phrase; he tells me it comes from wiki compiler) Chronicle t'other day, and I'm intrigued. It's a great deal more polished than what I've got; his Makefile alone inspires envy in me. It's easy to tell that he's an actual programmer…

Chronicle does Markdown or Textile, not AsciiDoc, but it should be simple enough to grab the guts of this and make it do the job. And in any case my love of AsciiDoc is at least half due to its nice CSS, which I could steal.

The one thing that might be nice is that, looking in the code, Chronicle seems to recompile/regenerate all the HTML, whether or not anything has changed; I'm using make for regenerating the pages here, so as to avoid that. Of course, I could be wrong — I've only given Chronicle a once-over — and in any case my crappy lack of server-side includes makes for many rebuilds when (say) I add another link to the sidebar.