Zombie bacula-sd and open port

Weird...Just ran into a problem with restarting bacula-sd. For some reason, the previous instance had died badly and left a zombie process. I restarted bacula-sd but was left with an open port:

# sudo netstat -tupan | grep 9103
tcp        0      0      * LISTEN      -

which meant that bconsole hung every time it tried to get the status of bacula-sd. Unsure what to do, I tried telnetting to it for fun and then quit; after that the port was freed up and grabbed by the already-running storage daemon:

tcp        0      0      * LISTEN      16254/bacula-sd

and bconsole was able to see it just fine:

Connecting to Storage daemon tape at bacula.example.com:9103

example-sd Version: 3.0.1 (30 April 2009) x86_64-example-linux-gnu example
Daemon started 06-Jul-09 10:18, 0 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=180,224 smbytes=25,009 max_bytes=122,270 bufs=94 max_bufs=96
Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 int32_t=4 int64_t=8