IPv6 at home

After coming back from LISA I've been wanting to try IPv6 at home; I've dabbled with it on and off for the last few years, but haven't made a serious go of it.

Originally I had a tunnel with SixXS.net, but:

  1. I was having problems with uptime that, in the end, turned out to be my own silly firewall problems

  2. The points system they use just seems needlessly complicated

  3. Hurricane Electric was just 'way easier to set up, including getting a /64 right away

  4. There are a number of complaints about SixXS.net arbitrarily (so it's claimed) closing accounts.

But enough gossip! Now you can visit http://ipv6.saintaardvarkthecarpeted.com. Soon as I get a chance I'll set it up so it doesn't require the separate hostname.