Late night

Ugh, late night...which these days, means anything past 9:30pm. Two machines down at work with what I think are unrelated problems.

First one appears to have had OOM-killer run repeatedly and leave the ethernet driver in a bad state; I know, but the OOM-killer kept killing things until we got this bug.

Second one appears to have crashed and/or rebooted, but the hardware clock got reset to December 2001 in the process -- which meant that when it tried to contact the LDAP servers, none of their certificates were valid yet.

Again, ugh. But I did come across this helpful addition to my toolkit:

 openssl s_client -CAfile /path/to/CA_cert -connect host:port

which, I just realized, I've rediscovered, along with having the same fucking problem again.

And did I mention I'm up at 5am tomorrow to move some equipment around at work? Ah well, I have safety boots now. I'll be suitably rewarded in Valhalla.