Going to LinuxCon!

So a couple of weeks ago, a coworker said to me: "Hey, you going to LinuxCon? It's here in Vancouver." I had no idea. I took a look at the schedule (Greg Kroah-Hartman! Matthew Garret! Linus his own bad self!) and started to think about it. I hadn't budgeted for it, and it was the last three days of my vacation...but yeah, I wanted to go.

I checked with my lovely wife and she said it was okay with her. I checked with my lovely boss, and he said it was okay. I checked my budget and decided I (well, work) could afford it. And now, I'm busy checking the schedule to see when I should be out the door to arrive (looks like about 7am).

There's a lot that I want to see. The FreeIPA talk, Puppet and OpenStack, Linux and Finance...it's going to be a good time. I haven't seen a lot of Twitter traffic on LinuxCon, but I'm afraid I won't be able to contribute much. However, I will be writing up the day's experience as I do with the LISA conferences. So, you know, sharpen up your copy of Lynx, 'cos this text-only layout won't optimize itself.

In other news: