Matplotlib, biopython segfaults in OpenSuSE 11.3

At $WORK, a user discovered a fun feature of OpenSuSE: that you can segfault Python quite easily. Watch:

$ python
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot
Segmentation fault
$ python
>>> import Bio.PDB
Segmentation fault

The reason, at least for us, is that we'd installed the python-matplotlib package from the OpenSuSE Education repository, and python-numpy from the standard OpenSuSE library. The problem was fixed by running:

sudo zypper install python-numpy-1.6.2-39.1.x86_6

which forced the upgrade from 1.3 to 1.6.

But, whee! you can actually install 1.6.2-39.1 from TWO repos: Education and Science. Yes, my fault; my OpenSuSE installs are all over the fucking map. But I wonder what it might take to ensure that minimum versions are somehow noted in RPMs, or, you know, not having multiple universes of packages. Fuck, I hate OpenSuSE.