
Last week my 4.5 year old came down with his usual asthma-inflamed cold; this week it's my wife's standard sinus infection and tonsillitis for my 6 year old. It's been busy: two weekends spent at the doctor's in a row is more than we usually aim for.

It's not all bad, though. In a way it's been nice to sit around and just be with them at home, rather than think constantly about how to entertain them out of the house. We've read books (of course), played games, done crafts and pointed TV at our heads. I've even started installing games on my laptop for them to play. (Complicated succession rules mean I got my wife's old laptop recently.) 4.5 is particularly enjoying TuxRacer (which I've just found out was renamed to Extreme TuxRacer).

Next weekend it's Martinmas, plus a long weekend. I hope to have a 25kg bag of pale malt by then, and it'd be nice to get some beer in...something a bit more relaxing than illness.