Hotel Arizona

Hotel in Arizona made us all wanna feel like stars...
"Hotel Arizona", Wilco

Sunday morning I was down in the lobby at 7.15am, drinking coffee purchased with my $5 gift certificate from the hotel for passing up housekeeping ("Sheraton Hotels Green Initiative"). I registered for the conference, came back to my hotel room to write some more, then back downstairs to wait for my tutorial on Amazon Web Services from Bill LeFebvre (former LISA chair and author of top(1)) and Marc Chianti. It was pretty damned awesome: an all-day course that introduced us to AWS and the many, many services they offer. For reasons that vary from budgeting to legal we're unlikely to move anything to AWS at $WORK, but it was very, very enlightening to learn more about it. Like:

One question I asked: How would you scale up an email service? 'Cos for that, you don't only need CPU power, but (say) expanded disk space, and that shared across instances. A: Either do something like GlusterFS on instances to share FS, or just stick everything in RDS (AWS' MySWL service) and let them take care of it.

The instructors know their stuff and taught it well. If you have the chance, I highly recommend it.


Matt scoping out bank guards

Where does the close bracket go?)

After that, I ran into my roommate from the Baltimore LISA in 2009 (check my tshirt...yep, 2009). Very good to see him. Then someone pointed out that I could get free toothpaste at the concierge desk, and I was all like, free toothpaste?

And then who should come in but Andy Seely, Tampa Bay homeboy and LISA Organizing Committee member. We went out for beer and supper at Karl Strauss (tl;dr: AWESOME stout). Discussed fatherhood, the ageing process, free-range parenting in a hanger full of B-52s, and just how beer is made. He got the hang of it eventually:

Andy and beer

I bought beer for my wife, he took a picture of me to show his wife, and he shared his toothpaste by putting it on a microbrewery coaster so I didn't have to pay $7 for a tube at the hotel store, 'cos the concierge was out of toothpaste. It's not a euphemism.

Q: How do you know you're with a Scary Viking Sysadmin?

A: They insist on hard drive destruction via longboat funeral pyre.