Got an office now

I found out before Xmas that my request for an office had been approved. We had some empty ones hanging around, and my boss encouraged me to ask for one. Yesterday I worked in it for the first time; today I started moving in earnest, and moved my workstation over.

And my god, is it ever cool. The office itself is small but nice -- lots of desk space, a bookshelf, and windows (OMG natural light). But holy crap, was it ever wonderful to sit in there, alone, uninterrupted, and work. Just work. Like, all the stuff I want to do? I was able to sit down, plan out my year, and figure out that in the grand scheme of things it's not too much. (The problem is wanting to do everything right away.) And today I worked on getting our verdammt printing accounting exposed to Windows users, setting up Samba for the first time in eons and even getting it to talk to LDAP.

Not only that -- not only that, I say, but when I had interruptions -- when people came to me with questions -- it was fine. I didn't feel angry, or lost, or helpless. I helped them as best I could, and moved on. And got more shit done in a day than I've done in a week.

I'm going to miss hanging out with the people in the cubicle I was in. Yes, they're only ten metres away, but there's a world of difference between having people there and having to walk over to see them. I'm not terribly outgoing, and it's just in the last six months or so that I've really come to enjoy all the people around me. They're fun, and it's nice to be able to talk to them. (There's even a programmer who homebrews, for a wonderful mixture of tech and beer talk.) But oh my sweet darling door made of steel and everything, I love this place.