Chasing the Dragon (sorry, couldn't resist)

It was a rare clearish morning here in New West, and I just saw the ISS and the SpaceX Dragon fly over my house! How awesome is that? There were light, patchy clouds overhead, but the ISS was still bright and visible through them -- and then fainter, just a little bit ahead, was the Dragon capsule! It's undocking right now, and it's amazing luck that I got to see it. (Swoon...)

In other news: yesterday I got sleep, it was sunny, I forgot a couple of things that I should have been working on, and the resulting optimism led me to migrate the sysadmin wiki for the third time. This time it was from Foswiki to Ikiwiki. I have nothing against Foswiki except that I really, REALLY want to edit everything from Emacs; for FW, that means this complicated wrapper around sudo that was getting tiring. Now it's Git + Emacs + Multimarkdown and I am happy.

Not only that, I got a long-standing feature request (one that I made to myself) out of the way: I can now check in, in Emacs Orgmode, to a particular RT ticket when replying to that ticket. (waves hands around in insane manner) Don't you see what this MEANS? Previously I'd have to switch to Emacs, refresh the rtliberation view which'd take 5 seconds (SO BORED), run a command to add it to my Org file, switch to Org, find the new addition, check in and THEN switch back to Mutt and reply. Now it's all in Emacs. It means a new life for ALL of us, baby! You'll see!

This entry brought to you by not enough sleep, excitement about spaceflight, Emacs geekery and a mug full of coffee.