The cloud sensor is behaving badly of late, refusing to post updates. I suspect it's overheating, but it's hard to get data when the thing is across town. I had set up an SSH tunnel back to home so I could connect to it, but did the classic fail when I tried to convert it from running in tmux to running under supervisord and it didn't work and now I can't get back in. Waiting to get back to my inlaws' so I can debug it more properly.
But while it was working, I got it logging to InfluxDB (running on my home server over) over said SSH tunnel. Pretty sweet! And it was not hard to import all the previous stats I had as well.
And so but InfluxDb was running in a Docker container on the home machine, along with Grafana. Which of course led to running Telegraf on a lot of things, and collectd where I couldn't (hello OpenWRT). Which now OMG the stats. And the annotations.
But holy crap, Docker and IPv6 is a giant whirlwind of not-done-yet.
Because the kids' old laptop was, frankly, shitty, we got them a new cheap laptop and I did some complicated surgery resulting in two swapped hard drives and a new install of Debian 8 on Zombie, my home server, which is now managed nearly entirely by Chef. This was a lot of trouble -- setting up everything under a medium-weight config mgt system like Chef, I mean -- but I think it was worth it.
I've got the first breadboarded version of an Arduino weather station going, currently logging stats to InfluxDB. It is (/me checks Grafana) (/me checks on Arduino serial port for transmitter because receiver serial port acting badly) 67% humidity, 19.1 deg C and 1011.5 hPa and falling.
Did you know there was a fork of Bacula named Bareos? Not I. Not sure whether to pronounce it "bar-ee-os" or "bear-o-s". Got Kern Sibbald, Bacula's creator, rather upset. He promises to bring over "any worthwhile features"...which is good, because there are a lot.
Post by Matthew Green titled "How does the NSA break SSL?". Should be reading that now but I'm writing this instead.
I have not read The Phoenix Project, which makes me a bad person for reacting so viscerally to things like "A personal reinterpretation of the three ways" and the self-congratulatory air of the headshot gallery. I'm trying to figure out why I react this way, and whether it's justified or just irrational dislike of people I perceive as outsiders. Seriously, though, the Information Technology Process Institute?
Got Netflix at home? Got IPv6? That might be why they think you're in Switzerland and change your shows accordingly. In my case, they thought I was in the US and offered to show "30 Rock" and "Europa Report"...until I tried to actually stream them and they figured out the truth. Damn.
Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef. Have not used Chef before, but I like the approach the author uses in the first half of the book: here's what you need to accomplish, so go do it. The second half abandons this...sort of unfortunate, but I'm not sure explaining test infrastructure libraries (ServerSpec, etc) would work well in this approach. Another minor nitpick: there's a lot of boilerplate output from Chef et al that could easily be cut. Overall, though, I really, really like this book.
Mencius Moldbug, one of the most...I mean...I don't even. Jaw-droppingly weird. Start with "Noam Chomsky killed Aaron Swartz".