Version 0.0.3 of Project U-13, a distro for sysadmins, has been released!
The main change is the addition of RackMonkey, which its website describes as "a web-based tool for managing racks of equipment such as web servers, video encoders, routers and storage devices", at the suggestion of Andy Seely. Also, Lynx has been installed, and there's also the skeletal beginnings of a Cfengine config file.
The ISO has been signed with my public key. Share and enjoy, and comments on a postcard, please.
My laptop hard drive started giving scary errors a couple days ago on the way to work (I've got a 90-minute commute by public transit [uck] so I fill the time by reading, listening to podcasts, or working on Project U-13). Fortunately, working at a university means that there are two computer stores on campus. I ran out at lunch, picked up a 100GB drive, and had things back to normal by the next morning.
Well, normal modulo one false start with Debian; I decided to try encrypted filesystems just for fun. But then I suspended, came back with a newere kernel, and it could not read the encrypted LVM group anymore. Whoops.
Still lots of free space on this thing, and I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu, FreeBSD and maybe NetBSD just for fun. Of course, I've got to do it all via PXE since this thing doesn't have any CDROM drive, but that just adds to the geek points.
Project U-13 is coming up on 0.0.3, btw; Andy suggested adding Rackmonkey, which looks quite cool. There's no package for it, so I'm having to do some rather ugly scripted installation…but I can stand it for now. And I've got the barest skeleton of a cfengine file in there too. Watch the skies!
Holy crap, it's been a while since I last wrote here. Mainly that's because I've been working on web stuff at work and have felt very little like a sysadmin of late. Thankfully we've got a webmaster hired, and to some extent the work'll be shifted to him in the new year. Of course, that still leaves the redesign of the website and its back end…that's not done 'til it's done.
This week, though, has been slow, and I've been catching up a little on sysadmin work. Part of it was setting up a devel server for the webmaster, and detailing what I was doing in Cfengine as I went along. It was gratifying to get LDAP working (I haven't done that on a Linux machine before; shame on me), and irritating when I realized that I couldn't mount the home directories from the server because I hadn't restarted nscd on the server.
The last two days were spent trying to get encrypted Bacula working between here and $other_university. This was an enormous pain in the ass for two reasons:
The Right Way (tm) of doing it is by using TLS, which is what the
kids are calling SSL these days, and I have never fully grokked
SSL, or the openssl
command. I know that there's encryption going
on; I know that there are certificates signed by CAs; I know that
there's a lot of negotiating of different options. But start throwing
in x509 versus PEM, Diffie-Helman parameters and the single most
cryptic set of error messages I've ever come across, and I just feel
thick. I was reduced to looking at tcpdump output of the negotiation
to figure out what was going on, and I couldn't; the Bacula FD client
complained that the Bacula Director wasn't producing a certificate,
and that was all I knew. The otherwise incredibly excellent docs from
Bacula were a trifle thin on all of this, and I couldn't find out much
about my situation (going the self-CA route).
So okay, fuckit, right? That's why God invented OpenSSH. So whee, start tunnelling port 9102 over SSH so the Director can contact the FD at $other_university, and 9103 back so the FD can contact the Storage Daemon. Only it turns out (my bad for not knowing this before) that not only does the client want to contact the SD, so does the director. Thus, my plan to tunnel to the firewall at the other end and tell the client that it could find the Storage Daemon there didn't work, 'cos the director wanted to contact it there too. (I did briefly try allowing the director to contact the tunnel at the other end: so even though the Storage was working on the same machine as the director, for that one job the Director's connection to it was going to the remote end and getting tunnelled back over SSH. But:
And why was I trying to connect to the remote firewall via SSH, rather than the client I'm trying to back up itself? Because that client is a Solaris machine authenticating against LDAP, and that turns out to bork key-based logins over SSH. What a crock.
Oh well. I did add three other machines here to Bacula this week, so that's good.
Project U-13 is coming along. I'm pretty close to a 0.0.2 release (woot), which should have the following working:
And by "working" I mean "installed". But I've got a decent setup on my laptop for building and testing it, which means I get up to a couple hours a day to work on it (New Westminster -> UBC == long). Thanks to Andy, he of the amazing speaking skills, for kicking my ass into action.
I'm learning a bit more about Mercurial in the process. After coming from CVS and Subversion, it seems really weird to me that the usual way of branching is "Go ahead, clone another repo! We're Mercurial! We don't care! Repos for everyone!" But if you figure on distributed development — something Linux-y than a controlled work environment — then it makes sense. Not that I think I'll have lots of people working on this thing, but it makes sense that if someone were to take this for their own ends, they wouldn't want to bother copying all the branches…just the one(s) they're interested in.
Last word to my son:
Q: What does a Camel say, Arlo? A: Purhl!
I've had a bunch of ideas lately. I'm inflicting them on you.
The presentation went well...I didn't get too nervous, or run too long, or start screaming at people (damn Induced Tourette's Syndrome) or anything. There were maybe 30 or so people there, and a bunch of them had questions at the end too. Nice! I was embiggened enough by the whole experience that, when the local LUG announced that they were having a newbie's night and asked for presenters to explain stuff, I volunteered. It's coming up in a few weeks; we'll see what happens.
And then I thought some more. A few days before I'd been listening to the almost-latest episode of LugRadio (nice new design!), where they were talking about GUADEC and PyCon UK. PyCon was especially interesting to hear about; the organizers had thought "Wouldn't it be cool to have a Python conference here in the UK?", so they made one.
So I thought, "It's a shame I'm not going to be able to go to LISA this year. Why don't we have our own conference here in Vancouver?" The more I thought about it, the better the idea seemed. We could have it at UBC in the summer, where I'm pretty sure there are cheap venues to be had. Start out modest — say, a day long the first time around. We could have, say, a training track and a papers track. I'm going to talk about this to some folks and see what they think.
Memo to myself: still on my list of stuff to do is to join Do it, monkey boy!
Another idea I had: a while back I exchanged secondary DNS service,
c/o It's working pretty well so far, but I'm not
monitoring it so it's hard for me to be sure that I can get rid of the
other DNS servers I've got. ( is fine, but they
don't do TXT
or IPv6 records.) I'm in the process of setting up
Nagios to watch my own server, but of course that doesn't tell me what
things look like from the outside.
So it hit me: what about Nagios exchange? I'll watch your services if you watch mine. You wouldn't want your business depending on me, of course, but this'd be fine for the slightly anal sysadmin looking to monitor his home machines. :-) The comment link's at the end of the article; let me know if you're interested, or if you think it's a good/bad/weird idea.
The presentation also made me think about how this job has been, in many ways, a lot like the last job: implementing a lot of Things That Really Should Be Done (I hate to say "Best Practices) in a small shop. Time is tight and there's a lot to do, so I've been slowly making my way through the list:
Some of these things have been held up by my trying to remember what I did the last time. And then there's just getting up to speed on bootstrapping a Cfengine installation (say).
So what if all these things were available in one easy package? Not an appliance, since we're sysadmins — but integrated nicely into one machine, easily broken up if needed, and ready to go? Furthermore, what if that tool was a Linux distro, with all its attendant tools and security? What if that tool was easily regenerated, and itself served as a nicely annotated set of files to get the newbie up and running?
Between FAI (because if it's not Debian, you're working too hard) and cfengine, it should be easy to make a machine look like this. Have it work on a live ISO, with installation afterward with saved customizations from when you were playing around with it.
Have it be a godsend for the newbie, a timesaver for the experienced, and a lifeline for those struggling in rapidly expanding shops. Make this the distro I'd want to take to the next job like this.
I'm tentatively calling this Project U-13. We'll see how it goes.
Oh, and over here we've got Project U-14. So, you know, I've got lots of spare time.