
title: The universe occasionally says "Fuck you" date: 2006-11-10 12:09:26

If your machine has hard drives that are, in theory, removeable because they have a front catch, but in practice require you to open up the case to disconnect the SCSI and power cables, that's not a server.

If your machine's CD drive fails and it takes you fifteen minutes of searching to find the unlabelled holes on the bottom of the case that allow access to the screws that are attached to the bottom of the drive so that you can actually remove the drive, that's not a server.

For $399 US, thank you, for the Academic edition of MathMagic, I expect better goddamned installation instructions than this:

  • Windows - MathMagic Pro Edition Full installer with some old versions of fonts and Plugin (Please run this full installer first.) [ a url ] - MathMagic Pro Edition v3.5 (application only. The latest version.) (Please use this v3.5 application, instead of v3.0 installer by the installer, after moving it into /Program Files/MathMagic Pro/ folder) [ another url ] - new CS & CS2 plugin (Please use this Plug-in, instead of the Installer installed one. Copy it into InDesign's Plug-ins/Equations folder.) [ whee! lookit alla urls! ] - new fonts for PDF embedding (If you want to embed MathMagic fonts in your PDF documents on Windows, please download the new MathMagic TrueType font set, and replace the preinstalled ones(remove the old MathMagic fonts from Windows Fonts directory and copy these new fonts into Windows Fonts folder). [ sale! sale on urls! ]

The email goes on to suggest that installation instructions can be found on their website (but neglect to mention that it only covers the Mac version), or "in User Guide documents that you can find after installation." What a crock.