Environmental leakage

Just spent an hour trying to debug why a simple Nagios check script was not working. It basically ran lynx -dump | grep desired string, but for some reason was utterly failing to work.

Eventually I thought to get the script to print out its environment. It turned out that my own environment variables had leaked to the nagios program itself; as a result, lynx was trying (and failing) to open /home/hugh. /etc/init.d/nagios did not (properly? perhaps) clean the environment as I assumed it had. I changed my Makefile to run env -i /etc/init.d/nagios restart, and now it works just fine.

(Incidentally, I love Makefiles as a way of scripting stuff you run over and over and over again. Yeah, they're clumsy and I'm not doing anything I couldn't do with a simple script -- but it's a timesaver to just run "make" and be done with it.)