
title: Waste (2 of n) date: Thu Aug 6 21:05:14 PDT 2009 tags: secondthoughts

Tuesday I wrote (and yesterday I posted):

It's a nice machine, if a bit large for my tastes and a bit cheap-looking. But for the price I can't complain.

which segues nicely into my recent feelings of guilt about my choice of profession. This was prompted by two things:

Right now it seems to me that in a very important sense, the best thing you can say about what I do for a living is that, in geological time scales, it really doesn't matter.

I don't know what the answer is. I'm not entirely sure what the question is. But with the new laptop, and mine back (it had been doing double-duty for the two of us), this is the first chance I've had in a while to spend my commute writing. I missed it.