21 Aug 2009title: Migratin' date: Fri Aug 21 13:58:30 PDT 2009 tags: meta, lisa
Heyo...I've finally migrated to Chronicle and switched the website to ikiwki. Things should be working, aside from a few links I'll be cleaning up as time goes on...however, if you notice anything truly wrong please drop a line. (The comment system is no longer email-based, btw.)
And in the interest of keeping this on-topic...looks like work may be sending me to LISA! Here's hoping...
From: pfy
21 August 2009 21:25:53
you mean comments arent redirected to /dev/null anymore? huzzah!
From: Saint Aardvark
21 August 2009 21:32:33
Only yours. :-)
From: emily moon
21 August 2009 22:10:22
about frickin time.
I like the archives down the right like that. makes you look real prolific-like.
From: Nick Anderson
22 August 2009 14:48:52
Looks great
From: Steve Kemp
23 August 2009 17:49:01
It looks like you've made a great theme - and imported a lot of entries!
From: Saint Aardvark
24 August 2009 23:27:53
Thanks for the compliments! It was finally time to move all the old stuff over, though I've still got a few entries from Slashdot to grab. As for the theme, it's mainly a rip-off^Whomage to Greh Kroah-Hartman's website (http://www.kroah.com/linux/).
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