Medicine and system administration
21 Jun 2010Quote:
You come into medicine and science at a time of radical transition. You have met the older doctors and scientists who tell the pollsters that they wouldn't choose their profession if they were given the choice all over again. But you are the generation that was wise enough to ignore them: for what you are hearing is the pain of people experiencing an utter transformation of their world. Doctors and scientists are now being asked to accept a new understanding of what great medicine requires. It is not just the focus of an individual artisan-specialist, however skilled and caring. And it is not just the discovery of a new drug or operation, however effective it may seem in an isolated trial. Great medicine requires the innovation of entire packages care -- with medicines and technologies and clinicians designed to fit together seamlessly, monitored carefully, adjusted perpetually, and shown to produce ever better service and results for people at the lowest possible cost for society.
Very, very interesting reading, particularly as it seems to recap arguments about the role of system administration.
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