Watch All The Movies, Part 3: Crash of the Moons

"Crash of the Moons" was released in 1954 as three parts of a long-running serial; it has since fallen into the public domain. I picked it up years ago on VHS, but now it's available from the Internet Archive. Since I like cheating, I watched it that way.


It's not bad for a 1954 SciFi serial, but it definitely ticks all the boxes: handsome lead, vaguely Einstein-ish scientist, pretty actresses in short skirts as haughty Space Queens, aliens with names like Cleolanthe (the haughty Space Queen in question) that look exactly like humans, a tow-headed child actor, and incomprehensible SciFi gibberish (the phrase "atmosphere chain" gets repeated about 23 times during the film.)

Fun facts: