Machine Learning / Data Science notes



Data Science









GIS/Satellite imagery/etc

Data sets



Image labelling

Automated optimization

  • H2O - Automated model optimization
  • TPOT





Ein-notebook: Emacs interface to Jupyter

Test from ein

This is a notebook explaining how I got ein working.

  • Fire up a shell in the project, and activate the venv.
  • Run jnb to start up Jupyter.
  • Copy the URL, including the token. (Note: this part I'm still figuring out.)
  • Run ein:login and give the URL, NOT including the token (but try the token if that doesn't work)
  • This will fail. Try again; you should now be able to get a list of notebooks, etc.
  • Click on the [Dir] link for a directory, rather than the name of a directory.
  • You can click on [New Notebook], or run ein:notebooklist-new-notebook-with-name. Note that you'll need to include the directory with the name:
    • my_new_notebook will create my_new_notebook.ipynb at the root of the project.
    • notebooks/my_new_notebook will create that notebook in the notebooks directory.

Some helpful commands

  • ein:notebooklist-open will show you a list of notebooks. Note: Hit on the [Dir] part, not the directory name part.
  • C-c will execute a cell.
  • M-return will execute a cell and go to the next cell.
  • C-c C-a will insert a cell above the current one.
  • C-c C-b will insert a cell below the current one.
  • C-c C-t toggles the cell type (markdown to code & vice-versa). So will C-c C-u.
  • C-c C-s will split a cell at point.
  • C-c RET will merge a cell with the previous cell.
  • C-c C-k will kill/delete a cell.
  • C-x C-s will save a notebook.
  • C-x C-w will rename a notebook. Note that if you want it saved in a directory, you have to include that in the name. Thus:
    • C-x C-w my_notebook will save it as my_notebook.ipynb in the root of the project.
    • C-x C-w notebooks/my_notebook will save it with the same name, but in the notebooks directory.