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After months of constant effort, she has a primitive holographic projector ready to test. She decides to project the image of her head toward a local convenience store in order to ask for cigarettes. Due to freak ionospheric conditions, however, she misses the target completely -- and ends up asking American GIs stationed in Korea for a smoke on the very day that the truce ending the Korean War is signed. As word spreads, the story is improved: Rand appeared at the exact moment the truce was signed; she healed a wounded soldier, and brought another back from the dead; she brought great quantities of duty-free Marlboros for everyone. It's picked up up by Associated Press, but an irrational American public laughs at the notion of Rand making a Virgin Mary-like appearance. The Leader, who has stayed behind in New York to build A=A into a sleek, rational, spaceship-building fighting machine, swears revenge.
The influence upon the RAND Corporation's predictions of nuclear war -- and therefore on the US military's entire nuclear culture -- is substantial, and will later be chronicled by Noam Chomsky in his seminal work, "What Does Saint Rand Say?": The Floating Head of Ayn Rand, The Cold War, and Nuclear Madness.