30 Dec 2012
Once again it has been a goddamned long time since I got out with
the scope. The skies here have been cloudy for months, it seems, with
very, very few breaks. Tonight was one of them, and I was itching to
try out the new O3 filter I'd bought from the good folks at Vancouver
Telescopes...went in looking for finderscope caps and came out
with the caps and a new filter. (These folks are awesome, btw. They
always have time to chat, and I've never been to a friendlier
store. When I finally get the cash together to buy that 8" Celestron,
I'm damn sure going there.)
We were over at my in-laws today, and as it happened I'd taken over
the Galileoscope, attached to a photo tripod. It's not the most
stable mount, but it does the trick. We set it up in their back yard
and looked at Jupiter. I've got an old Kellner eyepiece that gives
28X, so we could see the two equatorial belts and, with careful
squinting, all four moons. It was the first time my in-laws had seen
Jupiter through a scope, and I think they enjoyed it.
The clouds held off while we drove home and put the kids to bed, and I
headed out to the local park. The clouds were starting to move in, so
I started looking in a hurry.
Jupiter: The seeing seemed quite steady tonight, and I was able to
see a fair bit of detail. The GRS was transiting while I was there,
which was neat. It was fairly easy to see (now that I know what I'm
looking for). There was a long, trailing streamer (not sure that's
the right term) coming off the GRS, and I swear I could see it was
blue at times. (You can see a really great picture of it here;
that guy's photos are simply amazing.)
M42: Viewed in a hurry, as I was afraid the clouds were rolling in.
I used this as a chance to try out the O3 filter, and I'm definitely
intrigued. I'd write more, but I really was in a hurry and didn't
savour this at all.
M37 and M36: I have always had a hard time finding these; in fact,
it was my second winter observing before I could find them. Now, I'm
happy to know I can repeat the feat. The clouds rolled in bbefore I
could find M38.
IC 405 (The Flaming Star Nebula): While looking at the star atlas I
noticed this was in the neighbourhood. I found the star, and tried
looking at it with the O3 filter, but could not see anything. Sue
French says in "Deep Sky Wonders" that it responds well to
hydrogen-beta filters, "but a narrowband filter can also be of help."
Not for me, but again I was in a hurry.
Luna: Ah, Luna. The mountains of Mare Crisium, and Picard just
going into shadow; Macrobius; Hercules and Atlas. The O3 filter made
a fine moon filter. :-)
A short and hurried session, but fun nonetheless.
28 Dec 2012
It's Xmas vacation, and that means it's time to brew. Mash was at 70
C, which was a nice even 5 C drop in the strike water temp. 7.5
gallons went in, and 6 gallons of wort came out. It was not raining
out, despite the title, so I brewed outside:

My kids came out to watch; the youngest stayed to help.

The keggle was converted by my father-in-law, a retired millwright; he
wrote the year (2009) and his initial using an angle grinder.

The gravity was 1.050, so I got decent efficiency for a change -- not
like last time.

On a whim, Eli decided to make the 60 minute hop addition a FWH instead:

Ah, the aluminum dipstick. No homebrewer should be without one.

Eli demonstrated his command of Le Parkour...

and The Slide:

"Hey, it's Old Man Brown, sittin' on his porch eatin' soup an' making
moonshine again!"

Eventually it was time to pitch the yeast. We took turns. I took
this one of Eli...

...and he took this one of me:

Isn't it beautiful? Oh, and the OG was 1.062.

20 Dec 2012
Two things bit me after doing big patching yesterday.
First, Cacti's logs suddenly exploded with a crapton of errors like this:
12/20/2012 03:41:41 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!,
Error:'1146', SQL:"SELECT 1 AS id, ph.name, ph.file, ph.function FROM
plugin_hooks AS ph LEFT JOIN plugin_config AS ...
and on it went. The problem: Cacti got upgraded, but I forgot to run
the upgrade step.
Second, LDAP Replication stopped working. The single master
(multi-master replication is for people who don't get enough pain in
their lives already) suddenly stopped, with terribly uninformative
log messages like:
NSMMReplicationPlugin - Replication agreement for agmt="cn=eg-02" (eg-02:636) could not be updated. For replication to take place, please enable the suffix and restart the server
Forcing initialization didn't work, and neither did recreating the
agreement; that got me this error:
agmtlist_add_callback: Can't start agreement "cn=eg-02,cn=replica,cn=dc\example\2c dc\3dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config"
But that log message did hold the key. As described here,
389/CentOS/Fedora DS/RHDS switched to a new DN format. And
near as I can figure, either some upgrade step didn't work or it
simply wasn't there in the first place.
The solution: Shut down the server. Edit dse.ldif and change
cn=eg-02,cn=replica,cn=dc\example\2c dc\3dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
cn=eg-02,cn=replica,cn=dc\example\2cdc\3dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
- Notice the space that just went away. NOTICE IT.
- Now restart the server.
- I also deleted the replication agreements and recreated them; not
sure if that was strictly necessary, but there you go.
UPDATE: Nope, the problem recurred, leading to this amusing return
from the Nagios plugin:
UNKNOWN - WTF is return code 'ERROR'???
In unrelated news, I have now switched to keeping account information
in flat files distributed by rcp. Replication agreements are for the
fucking birds.
SECOND UPDATE: A second re-initialization of the client fixed the
problem. In still yet unrelated news, I've submitted a patch to the
Linux folks to eliminate UIDs entirely.
19 Dec 2012
Rebooting a KVM host at $WORK seems to take a long time -- as in, a
long time to actually reboot the host after I type "shutdown -r now".
But then the process list shows this:
root 26881 0.0 0.0 64328 824 ? S 13:30 0:00 /bin/sh /etc/rc6.d/K01libvirt-guests stop
root 26882 0.0 0.0 130220 3504 ? S 13:30 0:00 virsh managedsave 128b38e0-ce1a-eb4b-5ee5-2746cd0926ce
root 26890 0.0 0.0 8716 1084 ? S 13:30 0:00 sh -c cat | { dd bs=4096 seek=1 if=/dev/null && dd bs=1048576; } 1<>/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save//vm-01.example.com.save
root 26891 1.1 0.0 3808 440 ? S 13:30 0:00 cat
root 26892 0.0 0.0 8716 576 ? S 13:30 0:00 sh -c cat | { dd bs=4096 seek=1 if=/dev/null && dd bs=1048576; } 1<>/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/save//vm-01.example.com.save
And now I understand.
15 Dec 2012
A collection of stuff that didn't fit anywhere else:
St Vidicon of Cathode. Only slightly spoiled by the disclaimer
"Saint Vidicon and his story are the intellectual property of
Christopher Stasheff."
A Vagrant box for OmniOS, the OpenSolaris distro I heard about at LISA.
A picture of Matt Simmons. When I took this, he was committing
some PHP code and mumbling something like "All I gotta do is enable
globals and everything'll be fine..."

- I finished the scavenger hunt and won the USENIX Dart of Truth:

14 Dec 2012
Where I'm going, you cannot come...
"Theologians", Wilco
At 2.45am, I woke up because a) my phone was buzzing with a page from
work, and b) the room was shaking. I was quite bagged, since I'd been
up 'til 1 finishing yesterday's blog entry, and all I could think was
"Huh...earthquake. How did Nagios know about this?" Since the
building didn't seem to be falling, I went back to sleep. In the
morning, I found out it was a magnitude 6.2 earthquake.
I was going to go to the presentation by the CBC on "What your CDN
won't tell you" (initially read as "What your Canadian won't tell
you": "Goddammit, it's prounced BOOT") but changed my mind at the last
minute and went to the Cf3 "Guru is in" session with Diego Zamboni.
(But not before accidentally going to the Cf3 tutorial room; I made an
Indiana Jones-like escape as Mark Burgess was closing the door.) I'm
glad I went; I got to ask what people are doing for testing, and got a
some good hints.
Vagrant's good for testing (and also awesome in general). I'm
trying to get a good routine set up for this, but I have not started
using the Cf3 provider for Vagrant...because of crack? Not sure.
You might want to use different directories in your revision
control; that makes it easy to designate dev, testing, and
production machines (don't have to worry about getting different
branches; just point them at the directories in your repo).
Make sure you can promote different branches in an automated way
(merging branches, whatever). It's easy to screw this up, and it's
worth taking the time to make it very, very easy to do it right.
If you've got a bundle meant to fix a problem, deliberately break a
machine to make sure it actually does fix the problem.
Consider using git + gerrit + jenkins to test and review code.
The Cf3 sketch tool still looks neat. The Enterprise version looked
cool, too; it was the first time I'd seen it demonstrated, and I was
At the break I got drugs^Wcold medication from Jennifer. Then I sang
to Matt:
(and the sailors say) MAAAA-AAAT
you're a FIIINNE girl
what a GOOOD WAAAF you would be
but my life, my love and my LAY-ee-daaaay
is the sea (DOOOO doo doo DOO DOO doot doooooooo)
I believe Ben has video; I'll see if it shows up.
BTW, Matt made me sing "Brandy" to him when I took this picture:

I discussed Yo Dawg Compliance with Ben ("Yo Dawg, I put an X in your
Y so you could X when you Y"; == self-reference), and we decided to
race each other to @YoDawgCompliance on Twitter. (Haha, I got
@YoDawgCompliance2K. Suck it!)
(Incidentally, looking for a fully-YoDawg compliant ITIL
implementation? Leverage @YoDawgCompliance2K thought leadership
Next up was the talk on the Greenfield HPC by @arksecond. I didn't
know the term, and earlier in the week I'd pestered him for an
explanation. Explanation follows: Greenfield is a term from the
construction industry, and denotes a site devoid of any existing
infrastructure, buildings, etc where one might do anything; Brownfield
means a site where there is existing buildings, etc and you have to
take those into account. Explanation ends. Back to the talk. Which
was interesting.
They're budgeting 25 kW/rack, twice what we do. For cooling they use
spot cooling, but they also were able to quickly prototype aisle
containment with duct tape and cardboard. I laughed, but that's
awesome: quick and easy, and it lets you play around and get it
right. (The cardboard was replaced with plexiglass.)
Lunch was with Matt and Ken from FOO National Labs, then Sysad1138 and
Scott. Regression was done, fun was had and phones were stolen.
The plenary! Geoff Halprin spoke about how DevOps has been done for a
long time, isn't new and doesn't fix everything. Q from the audience:
I work at MIT, and we turn out PhDs, not code; what of this applies to
me? A: In one sense, not much; this is not as relevant to HPC, edu,
etc; not everything looks like enterprise setups. But look at the
techniques, underlying philosophy, etc and see what can be taken.
That's my summary, and the emphasis is prob. something he'd disagree
with. But it's Friday as I write this and I am tired as I sit in the
airport, bone tired and I want to be home. There are other summaries
out there, but this one is mine.
13 Dec 2012
Silly simple lies
They made a human being out of you...
"Flair", Josh Rouse
Thursday I gave my Lightning Talk. I prepared for it by writing it
out, then rehearsing a couple times in my room to get it down to five
minutes. I think it helped, since I got in about two seconds under
the wire. I think I did okay; I'll post it separately. Pic c/o Bob
the Viking:

Some other interesting talks:
@perlstalker on his experience with Ceph (he's happy);
@chrisstpierre on why XML is good for (it's code with a built-in
validator; don't use it for setting syslog levels);
the guy who wanted to use retired aircraft carriers as floating data
Dustin on MozPool (think cloud for Panda Boards);
Stew (@digitalcrow) on Machination, his homegrown hierarchical
config management tool (users can set their preferences; if needed
for the rest of their group, it can be promoted up the hierarchy as
Derek Balling on megacity.org/timeline (keep your fingers crossed!);
a Google dev on his experience bringing down GMail.
Afterward I went to the vendor booths again, and tried the RackSpace
challenge: here's a VM and it's root password; it needs to do X, Y and
Z. GO. I was told my time wasn't bad (8.5 mins; wasn't actually too
hard), and I may actually win something. Had lunch with John again
and discussed academia, fads in theoretical computer science and the
The afternoon talk on OmniOS was interesting; it's an Illumos
version/distro with a rigourous update schedule. The presenter's
company uses it in a LOT of machines, and their customers expect THEM
to fix any problems/security problems...not say "Yeah, the vendor's
patch is coming in a couple weeks." Stripped down; they only include
about 110 packages (JEOS: "Just Enough Operating System") in the
default install. "Holy wars" slide: they use IPS ("because ALL
package managers suck") and vi (holler from audience: "Which one?").
They wrote their own installer: "If you've worked with OpenSolaris
before, you know that it's actually pretty easy getting it to work
versus fucking getting it on the disk in the first place."
At the break I met with Nick Anderson (@cmdln_) and Diego Zamboni
(@zzamboni, author of "Learning Cfengine 3"). Very cool to meet them
both, particularly as they did not knee me in the groin for my
impertinence in criticising of Cf3 syntax. Very, very nice and
generous folk.
The next talk, "NSA on the Cheap", was one I'd already heard from the
USENIX conference in the summer (downloaded the MP3), so I ended up
talking to Chris Allison. I met him in Baltimore on the last day, and
it turns out he's Matt's coworker (and both work for David
Blank-Edelman). And when he found out that Victor was there (we'd all
gone out on our last night in Baltimore) he came along to meet him.
We all met up, along with Victor's wife Jennifer, and caught up even
more. (Sorry, I'm writing this on Friday; quality of writing taking a
And so but Victor, Jennifer and I went out to Banker's Hill, a
restaurant close to the hotel. Very nice chipotle bacon meatloaf,
some excellent beer, and great conversation and company. Retired back
to the hotel and we both attended the .EDU BoF. Cool story: someone
who's unable to put a firewall on his network (he's in a department,
not central IT, so not an option for him) woke up one day to find his
printer not only hacked, but the firmware running a proxy of PubMed to
China ("Why is the data light blinking so much?"). Not only that, but
he couldn't upgrade the firmware because the firmware reloading code
had been overwritten.
Q: How do you know you're dealing with a Scary Viking Sysadmin?
A: Service monitoring is done via two ravens named Huginn and Muninn.
13 Dec 2012
Careful with words -- they are so meaningful
Yet they scatter like the booze from our breath...
"The White Trash Period Of My Life", Josh Rouse
I woke up at a reasonable time and went down to the lobby for free
wireless; finished up yesterday's entry (2400 words!), posted and ate
breakfast with Andy, Alf ("I went back to the Instagram hat store
yesterday and bought the fedora. But now I want to accessorize it")
and...Bob in full Viking drag.

Andy: "Now you...you look like a major in the Norwegian army."
Off to the Powershell tutorial. I've been telling people since that I
like two things from Microsoft: the Natural Keyboard, and now
Powershell. There are some very, very nice features in there:
common args/functions for each command, provided by the PS library
directory-like listings for lots of things (though apparently
manipulating the registry through PS is sub-optimal); feels
Unix/Plan 9-like
$error contains all the errors in your interactive cycle
"programming with hand grenades": because just 'bout everything in
PS is an object, you can pass that along through a pipe and the
receiving command explodes it and tries to do the right thing.
My notes are kind of scattered: I was trying to install version 3 (hey
MS: please make this easier), and then I got distracted by something I
had to do for work. But I also got to talk to Steve Murawski,
the instructor, during the afternoon break, as we were both on the
LOPSA booth. I think MS managed to derive a lot of advantage from
being the last to show up at the party.
Interestingly, during the course I saw on Twitter that Samba 4 has
finally been released. My jaw dropped. It looks like there are still
some missing bits, but it can be an AD now. [Keanu voice] Whoah.
During the break I helped staff the LOPSA booth and hung out with a
syadmin from NASA; one of her users is a scientist who gets data from
the ChemCam (I think) on Curiosity. WAH.
The afternoon's course was on Ganeti, given by Tom Limoncelli and
Guido Trotter. THAT is my project for next year: migrating my VMs,
currently on one host, to Ganeti. It seems very, very cool. And on
top of that, you can test it out in VirtualBox. I won't put in all my
notes, since I'm writing this in a hurry (I always fall behind as the
week goes on) and a lot of it is avail on the documentaion. But:
You avoid needing a SAN by letting it do DRBD on different pairs of
nodes. Need to migrate a machine? Ganeti will pass it over to the
other pair.
If you've got a pair of machines (which is about my scale), you've
just gained failover of your VMs. If you've got more machines, you
can declare a machine down (memory starts crapping out, PS failing,
etc) and migrate the machines over to their alternate. When the
machine's back up, Ganeti will do the necessary to get the machine
back in the cluster (sync DRBDs, etc).
You can import already-existing VMs (Tom: "Thank God for summer
There's a master, but there are master candidates ready to take over
if requested or if the master becomes unavailable.
There's a web manager to let users self-provision. There's also
Synnefo, a AWS-like web FE that's commercialized as
Okeanos.io (free trial: 3-hour lifetime VMs)
I talked with Scott afterward, and learned something I didn't know:
NFS over GigE works fine for VM images. Turn on hard mounts (you
want to know when something goes wrong), use TCP, use big block
sizes, but it works just fine. This changes everything.
In the evening the bar was full and the hotel restaurant was definitely
outside my per diem, so I took a cab downtown to the Tipsy Crow. Good
food, nice beer, and great people watching. (Top tip for Canadians:
here, the hipsters wear moustaches even when it's not Movember.
Prepare now and get ahead of the curve.) Then back to the hotel for
the BoFs. I missed Matt's on small infrastructure (damn) but did make
the amateur astronomy BoF, which was quite cool. I ran into John
Hewson, my roommate from the Baltimore LISA, and found out he's
presenting tomorrow; I'll be there for that.
Q: How do you know you're with a Scary Viking Sysadmin?
A: Prefaces new cool thing he's about to show you with "So I learned
about this at the last sysadmin Althing...."
13 Dec 2012
And if I ever was myself,
I wasn't that night...
"Handshake Drugs", Wilco
Wednesday was opening day: the stats (1000+ attendees) and the awards
(the Powershell devs got one for "bringing the power of automated
system administration to Windows, where it previously largely
unsupported"). Then the keynote from Vint Cerf, co-designer of TCP
and yeah. He went over a lot of things, but made it clear he was
asking questions, not proposing answers. Many cool quotes, including:
"TCP/IP runs over everything, including you if you're not paying
attention." Discussed the recent ITU talks a lot, and what exactly
he's worried about there. Grab the audio/watch the video.
Next talk was about a giant scan of the entire Internet (/0) for SIP
servers. Partway through my phone rang and I had to take it, but by
the time I got out to the hall it'd stopped and it turned out to be a
wrong number anyway. Grr.
IPv6 numbering strategies was next. "How many hosts can you fit in a
/48? ALL OF THEM." Align your netblocks by nibble boundaries (hex
numbers); it makes visual recognition of demarcation so much easier.
Don't worry about packing addresses, because there's lots of room and
why complicate things? You don't want to be doing bitwise math in the
middle of the night.
Lunch, and the vendor tent. But first an eye-wateringly expensive
burrito -- tasty, but $9. It was NOT a $9-sized burrito. I talked to
the CloudStack folks and the Ceph folks, and got cool stuff from
each. Both look very cool, and I'm going to have to look into them
more when I get home. Boxer shorts from the Zenoss folks ("We figured
everyone had enough t-shirts").
I got to buttonhole Mark Burgess, tell him how
much I'm grateful for what he's done but OMG would he please do
something about the mess of brackets. Like the Wordpress sketch:
"/usr/bin/wget -q -O $($(params)[_tarfile]) $($(params)[_downloadurl])"
comment => "Downloading latest version of WordPress.";
His response, as previously, was "Don't do that, then." To be fair, I
didn't have this example and was trying to describe it verbally ("You
know, dollar bracket dollar bracket variable square bracket...C'mon, I
tweeted about it in January!"). And he agreed yes, it's a problem,
but it's in the language now, and indirection is a problem no matter
what. All of which is true, and I realize it's easy for me to propose
work for other people without coming up with patches. And I let him
know that this was a minor nit, that I really was grateful for Cf3.
So there.
I got to ask Dru Lavigne about FreeBSD's support for ZFS (same as
Illumos) and her opinion of DragonflyBSD (neat, thinks of it as meant
for big data rather than desktops, "but maybe I'm just old and
I Talked with a PhD student who was there to present a paper. He said
it was an accident he'd done this; he's not a sysadmin, and though his
nominal field is CS, he's much more interested in improving the
teaching of undergraduate students. ("The joke is that
primary/secondary school teachers know all about teaching and not so
much about the subject matter, and at university it's the other way
around."). In CompSci it's all about the conferences -- that's
where/how you present new work, not journals (Science, Nature) like
the natural sciences. What's more, the prestigious conferences are the
theoretical ones run by the ACM and the IEEE, not a
practical/professional one like LISA. "My colleagues think I'm
Off to the talks! First one was a practice and experience report on
the config and management of a crapton (700) iPads for students at an
Australian university. The iPads belonged to the students -- so
whatever profile was set up had to be removable when the course was
over, and locking down permanently was not an option.
No suitable tools for them -- so they wrote their own. ("That's the
way it is in education.") Started with Django, which the presenter
said should be part of any sysadmin's toolset; easy to use, management
interface for free. They configured one iPad, copied the
configuration off, de-specified it with some judicious search and
replace, and then prepared it for templating in Django. To install it
on the iPad, the students would connect to an open wireless network,
auth to the web app (which was connected to the university LDAP), and
the iPad would prompt them to install the profile.
The open network was chosen because the secure network would require a
password....which the iPad didn't have yet. And the settings file
required an open password in it for the secure wireless to work. The
reviewers commented on this a lot, but it was a conscious decision:
setting up the iPad was one of ten tasks done on their second day, and a
relatively technical one. And these were foreign students, so
language comprehension was a problem. In the end, they felt it was a
reasonable risk.
John Hewson was up next, talking about ConfSolve, his declarative
configuration language connected to/written with a constraint solver.
("Just cross this red wire with this blue wire...") John was my
roommate at the Baltimore LISA, and it was neat to see what he's been
working on. Basically, you can say things like "I want this VM to
have 500 GB of disk" and ConfSolve will be all like, "Fuck you, you
only have 200 GB of storage left". You can also express hard limits
and soft preferences ("Maximize memory use. It'd be great if you
could minimise disk space as well, but just do your best"). This lets
you do things like cloudbursting: "Please keep my VMs here unless
things start to suck, in which case move my web, MySQL and DNS to AWS
and leave behind my SMTP/IMAP."
After his presentation I went off to grab lunch, then back to the LISA
game show. It was surprisingly fun and funny. And then, Matt and I
went to the San Diego Maritime Museum, which was incredibly awesome.
We walked through The Star of India, a huge three-masted cargo ship
that still goes out and sails. There were actors there doing Living
History (you could hear the caps) with kids, and displays/dioramas to
look at. And then we met one of the actors who told us about the
ship, the friggin' ENORMOUS sails that make it go (no motor), and
about being the Master at Arms in the movie "Master and Commander".
Which was our cue to head over to the HMS Surprise, used in the
filming thereof. It's a replica, but accurate and really, really neat
to see. Not nearly as big as the Star of India, and so many
ropes...so very, very many ropes. And after that we went to a
Soviet (!) Foxtrot-class submarine, where we had to climb through four
circular hatches, each about a metre in diameter. You know how they
say life in a submarine is claustrophobic? Yeah, they're not
kidding. Amazing, and I can't recommend it enough.
We walked back to the hotel, got some food and beer, and headed off to
the LOPSA annual meeting. I did not win a prize. Talked with Peter
from the University of Alberta about the lightning talk I promised to
do the next day about reproducible science. And thence to bed.
Q: How do you know you're with a Scary Viking Sysadmin?
A: When describing multiple roles at the office, says "My other hat is
made of handforged steel."
10 Dec 2012
And my conscience has it stripped down to science
Why does everything displease me?
Still, I'm trying...
"Christmas with Jesus", Josh Rouse
At 3am my phone went off with a page from $WORK. It was benign, but do
you think I could get back to sleep? Could I bollocks. I gave up at
5am and came down to the hotel lobby (where the wireless does NOT cost
$11/day for 512 Kb/s, or $15 for 3Mb/s) to get some work done and
email my family. The music volume was set to 11, and after I heard
the covers of "Living Thing" (Beautiful South) and "Stop Me If You
Think That You've Heard This One Before" (Marc Ronson; disco) I
retreated back to my hotel room to sit on my balcony and watch the
airplanes. The airport is right by both the hotel and the downtown,
so when you're flying in you get this amazing view of the buildings OH
CRAP RIGHT THERE; from my balcony I can hear them coming in but not
see them. But I can see the ones that are, I guess, flying to
Japan; they go straight up, slowly, and the contrail against the
morning twilight looks like rockets ascending to space. Sigh.
Abluted (ablated? hm...) and then down to the conference lounge to
stock up on muffins and have conversations. I talked to the guy
giving the .EDU workshop ("What we've found is that we didn't need a
bachelor's degree in LDAP and iptables"), and with someone else about
kids these days ("We had a rich heritage of naming schemes. Do you
think they're going to name their desktop after Lord of the Rings?"
"Naw, it's all gonna be Twilight and Glee.")
Which brought up another story of network debugging. After an
organizational merger, network problems persisted until someone
figured out that each network had its own DNS servers that had
inconsistent views. To make matters worse, one set was named Kirk and
Picard, and the other was named Gandalf and Frodo. Our Hero knew then
what to do, and in the post-mortem Root Cause Diagnosis, Executive
Summary, wrote "Genre Mismatch." [rimshot]
(6.48 am and the sun is rising right this moment. The earth, she is a
beautiful place.)
And but so on to the HPC workshop, which intimidated me. I felt
unprepared. I felt too small, too newbieish to be there. And when
the guy from fucking Oak Ridge got up and said sheepishly, "I'm
probably running one of the smaller clusters here," I cringed. But I
needn't have worried. For one, maybe 1/3rd of the people introduced
themselves as having small clusters (smallest I heard was 10 nodes,
120 cores), or being newbies, or both. For two, the
host/moderator/glorious leader was truly excellent, in the best
possible Bill and Ted sense, and made time for everyone's questions.
For three, the participants were also generous with time and
knowledge, and whether I asked questions or just sat back and listened,
I learned so much.
Participants: Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, a lot of universities, and a
financial trading firm that does a lot of modelling and some really
interesting, regulatory-driven filesystem characteristics: nothing can
be deleted for 7 years. So if someone's job blows up and it litters
the filesystem with crap, you can't remove the files. Sure, they're
only 10-100 MB each, but with a million jobs a day that adds up. You
can archive...but if the SEC shows up asking for files, they need to
have them within four hours.
The guy from Oak Ridge runs at least one of his clusters diskless:
less moving parts to fail. Everything gets saved to Lustre. This
became a requirement when, in an earlier cluster, a node failed and it
had Very Important Data on a local scratch disk, and it took a long
time to recover. The PI (==principal investigator, for those not from
an .EDU; prof/faculty member/etc who leads a lab) said, "I want to be
able to walk into your server room, fire a shotgun at a random node,
and have it back within 20 minutes." So, diskless. (He's also lucky
because he gets biweekly maintenance windows. Another admin announces
his quarterly outages a year in advance.)
There were a lot of people who ran configuration management (Cf3,
Puppet, etc) on their compute nodes, which surprised me. I've thought
about doing that, but assumed I'd be stealing precious CPU cycles from
the science. Overwhelming response: Meh, they'll never notice. OTOH,
using more than one management tool is going to cause admin confusion
or state flapping, and you don't want to do that.
One guy said (both about this and the question of what installer to
use), "Why are you using anything but Rocks? It's federally funded,
so you've already paid for it. It works and it gets you a working
cluster quickly. You should use it unless you have a good reason not
to." "I think I can address that..." (laughter) Answer:
inconsistency with installations; not all RPMs get installed when
you're doing 700 nodes at once, so he uses Rocks for a bare-ish
install and Cf3 after that -- a lot like I do with Cobbler for
servers. And FAI was mentioned too, which apparently has support for
CentOS now.
One .EDU admin gloms all his lab's desktops into the cluster, and
uses Condor to tie it all together. "If it's idle, it's part of the
cluster." No head node, jobs can be submitted from anywhere, and the
dev environment matches the run environment. There's a wide mix of
hardware,so part of user education a) is getting people to specify
minimal CPU and memory requirements and b) letting them know that the
ideal job is 2 hours long. (Actually, there were a lot of people who
talked about high-turnover jobs like that, which is different from
what I expected; I always thought of HPC as letting your cluster go to
town for 3 weeks on something. Perhaps that's a function of my lab's
work, or having a smaller cluster.)
User education was something that came up over and over again:
telling people how to efficiently use the cluster, how to tweak
settings (and then vetting jobs with scripts).
I asked about how people learned about HPC; there's not nearly the
wealth of resources that there are for programming, sysadmin,
networking, etc. Answer: yep, it's pretty quiet out there. Mailing
lists tend to be product-specific (though are pretty excellent),
vendor training is always good if you can get it, but generally you
need to look around a lot. ACM has started a SIG for HPC.
I asked about checkpointing, which was something I've been very fuzzy
about. Here's the skinny:
Checkpointing is freezing the process so that you can resurrect it
later. It protects against node failures (maybe with automatic
moving of the process/job to another node if one goes down) and
outages (maybe caused by maintenance windows.)
Checkpointing can be done at a few different layers:
- the app itself
- the scheduler (Condor can do this; Torque can't)
- the OS (BLCR for Linux, but see below)
- or just suspending a VM and moving it around; I was unclear how
many people did this.
* The easiest and best by far is for the app to do it. It knows its
state intimately and is in the best position to do this. However,
the app needs to support this. Not necessary to have it explicitly
save the process (as in, kernel-resident memory image, registers,
etc); if it can look at logs or something and say "Oh, I'm 3/4
done", then that's good too.
* The Condor scheduler supports this, *but* you have to do this by
linking in its special libraries when you compile your program. And
none of the big vendors do this (Matlab, Mathematica, etc).
* BLCR: "It's 90% working, but the 10% will kill you." Segfaults,
restarts only work 2/3 of the time, etc. Open-source project from a
federal lab and until very recently not funded -- so the response to
"There's this bug..." was "Yeah, we're not funded. Can't do nothing
for you." Funding has been obtained recently, so keep your fingers
One admin had problems with his nodes: random slowdowns, not caused
by cstates or the other usual suspects. It's a BIOS problem of some
sort and they're working it out with the vendor, but in the meantime
the only way around it is to pull the affected node and let the power
drain completely. This was pointed out by a user ("Hey, why is my job
suddenly taking so long?") who was clever enough to write a
dirt-simple 10 million iteration for-loop that very, very obviously
took a lot longer on the affected node than the others. At this point
I asked if people were doing regular benchmarking on their clusters to
pick up problems like this. Answer: no. They'll do benchmarking on
their cluster when it's stood up so they have something to compare it
to later, but users will unfailingly tell them if something's slow.
I asked about HPL; my impression when setting up the cluster was, yes,
benchmark your own stuff, but benchmark HPL too 'cos that's what you
do with a cluster. This brought up a host of problems for me, like
compiling it and figuring out the best parameters for it. Answers:
* Yes, HPL is a bear. Oak Ridge: "We've got someone for that and
that's all he does." (Response: "That's your answer for everything
at Oak Ridge.")
* Fiddle with the params P, Q and N, and leave the rest alone. You
can predict the FLOPS you should get on your hardware, and if you
get 90% or so within that you're fine.
* HPL is not that relevant for most people, and if you tune your
cluster for linear algebra (which is what HPL does) you may get
crappy performance on your real work.
* You can benchmark it if you want (and download Intel's binary if you
do; FIXME: add link), but it's probably better and easier to stick
to your own apps.
* There's a significant number of clusters that expose interactive
sessions to users via qlogin; that had not occurred to me.
* Recommended tools:
* ubmod: accounting graphs
* Healthcheck scripts (Werewolf)
* stress: cluster stress test tool
* munin: to collect arbitrary info from a machine
* collectl: good for ie millisecond resolution of traffic spikes
* "So if a box gets knocked over -- and this is just anecdotal -- my
experience is that the user that logs back in first is the one who
caused it."
* A lot of the discussion was prompted by questions like "Is anyone
else doing X?" or "How many people here are doing Y?" Very helpful.
* If you have to return warranty-covered disks to the vendor but you
really don't want the data to go, see if they'll accept the metal
cover of the disk. You get to keep the spinning rust.
* A lot of talk about OOM-killing in the bad old days ("I can't tell
you how many times it took out init."). One guy insisted it's a lot
better now (3.x series).
* "The question of changing schedulers comes up in my group every six
* "What are you doing for log analysis?" "We log to /dev/null."
(laughter) "No, really, we send syslog to /dev/null."
* Splunk is eye-wateringly expensive: 1.5 TB data/day =~ $1-2 million
annual license.
* On how much disk space Oak Ridge has: "It's...I dunno, 12 or 13 PB?
It's 33 tons of disks, that's what I remember."
* Cheap and cheerful NFS: OpenSolaris or FreeBSD running ZFS. For
extra points, use an Aztec Zeus for a ZIL: a battery-backed 8GB
DIMM that dumps to a compact flash card if the power goes out.
* Some people monitor not just for overutilization, but for
underutilization: it's a chance for user education ("You're paying
for my time and the hardware; let me help you get the best value for
that"). For Oak Ridge, though, there's less pressure for that:
scientists get billed no matter what.
* "We used to blame the network when there were problems. Now their
app relies on SQL Server and we blame that."
* Sweeping for expired data is important. If it's scratch, then
*treat* it as such: negotiate expiry dates and sweep regularly.
* Celebrity resemblances: Michael Moore and the guy from Dead Poet's
Society/The Good Wife. (Those are two different sysadmins, btw.)
* Asked about my .TK file problem; no insight. Take it to the lists.
(Don't think I've written about this, and I should.)
* On why one lab couldn't get Vendor X to supply DKMS kernel modules
for their hardware: "We're three orders of magnitude away from
their biggest customer. We have *no* influence."
* Another vote for SoftwareCarpentry.org as a way to get people up to
speed on Linux.
* A lot of people encountered problems upgrading to Torque 4.x and
rolled back to 2.5. "The source code is disgusting. Have you ever
looked at it? There's 15 years of cruft in there. The devs
acknowledged the problem and announced they were going to be taking
steps to fix things. One step: they're migrating to C++.
[Kif sigh]"
* "Has anyone here used Moab Web Services? It's as scary as it sounds.
Tomcat...yeah, I'll stop there." "You've turned the web into RPC. Again."
* "We don't have regulatory issues, but we do have a
physicist/geologist issue."
* 1/3 of the Top 500 use SLURM as a scheduler. Slurm's srun =~
Torque's pdbsh; I have the impression it does not use MPI (well,
okay, neither does Torque, but a lot of people use Torque + mpirun),
but I really need to do more reading.
* lmod (FIXME: add link) is a Environment Modules-compatible (works
with old module files) replacement that fixes some problems with old
EM, actively developed, written in lua.
* People have had lots of bad experiences with external Fermi GPU
boxes from Dell, particularly when attached to non-Dell equipment.
* Puppet has git hooks that let you pull out a particular branch on a node.
And finally:
Q: How do you know you're with a Scary Viking Sysadmin?
A: They ask for Thor's Skullsplitter Mead at the Google Bof.
10 Dec 2012
Hotel in Arizona made us all wanna feel like stars...
"Hotel Arizona", Wilco
Sunday morning I was down in the lobby at 7.15am, drinking coffee
purchased with my $5 gift certificate from the hotel for passing up
housekeeping ("Sheraton Hotels Green Initiative"). I registered for
the conference, came back to my hotel room to write some more, then
back downstairs to wait for my tutorial on Amazon Web Services from
Bill LeFebvre (former LISA chair and author of top(1)) and Marc
Chianti. It was pretty damned awesome: an all-day course that
introduced us to AWS and the many, many services they offer. For
reasons that vary from budgeting to legal we're unlikely to move
anything to AWS at $WORK, but it was very, very enlightening to learn
more about it. Like:
Amazon lights up four new racks a day, just keeping up with
increased demand.
Their RDS service (DB inna box) will set up replication
automagically AND apply patches during configurable regular
downtime. WAH.
vmstat(1) will, for a VM, show CPU cycles stolen by/for other VMs in
the ST column
Amazon will not really guarantee CPU specs, which makes sense
(you're on guest on a host of 20 VMs, many hardware generations,
etc). One customer they know will spin up a new instance and
immediately benchmark it to see if performance is acceptable; if
not, they'll destroy it and try again.
Netflix, one of AWS' biggest customers, does not use EBS
(persistent) storage for its instances. If there's an EBS problem
-- and this probably happens a few times a year -- they keep
It's quite hard to "burst into the cloud" -- to use your own data
centre most of the time, then move stuff to AWS at Xmas, when you're
Slashdotted, etc. The problem is: where's your load balancer? And
how do you make that available no matter what?
One question I asked: How would you scale up an email service? 'Cos
for that, you don't only need CPU power, but (say) expanded disk
space, and that shared across instances. A: Either do something like
GlusterFS on instances to share FS, or just stick everything in RDS
(AWS' MySWL service) and let them take care of it.
The instructors know their stuff and taught it well. If you have the
chance, I highly recommend it.
Met someone from Mozilla who told me that they'd just decommissioned
the last of their community mirrors in favour of CDNs -- less
downtime. They're using AWS for a new set of sites they need in
Brazil, rather than opening up a new data centre or some such.
Met someone from a flash sale site: they do sales every day at noon,
when they'll get a million visitors in an hour, and then it's quiet
for the next 23 hours. They don't use AWS -- they've got enough
capacity in their data centre for this, and they recently dropped
another cloud provider (not AWS) because they couldn't get the
raw/root/hypervisor-level performance metrics they wanted.
Saw members of (I think) this show choir wearing spangly skirts
and carrying two duffel bags over each shoulder, getting ready to
head into one of the ballrooms for a performance at a charity lunch.
Met a sysadmin from a US government/educational lab, talking about
fun new legal constraints: to keep running the lab, the gov't
required not a university but a LLC. For SLAC, that required a new
entity called SLAC National Lab, because Stanford was already
trademarked and you can't delegate a trademark like you can DNS
zones. And, it turns out, we're not the only .edu getting fuck-off
prices from Oracle. No surprise, but still reassuring.
I saw Matt get tapped on the shoulder by one of the LISA organizers
and taken aside. When he came back to the table he was wearing a
rubber Nixon mask and carrying a large clanking duffel bag. I asked
him what was happening and he said to shut up. I cried, and he
slapped me, then told me he loved me, that it was just one last job
and it would make everything right. (In the spirit of
logrolling, here he is scoping out bank guards:

Where does the close bracket go?)
After that, I ran into my roommate from the Baltimore LISA in 2009
(check my tshirt...yep, 2009). Very good to see him. Then someone
pointed out that I could get free toothpaste at the concierge desk,
and I was all like, free toothpaste?
And then who should come in but Andy Seely, Tampa Bay homeboy and LISA
Organizing Committee member. We went out for beer and supper at Karl
Strauss (tl;dr: AWESOME stout). Discussed fatherhood, the ageing process,
free-range parenting in a hanger full of B-52s, and just how beer is
made. He got the hang of it eventually:

I bought beer for my wife, he took a picture of me to show his
wife, and he shared his toothpaste by putting it on a microbrewery
coaster so I didn't have to pay $7 for a tube at the hotel store, 'cos
the concierge was out of toothpaste. It's not a euphemism.
Q: How do you know you're with a Scary Viking Sysadmin?
A: They insist on hard drive destruction via longboat funeral pyre.
09 Dec 2012
Wasted days, wasted nights
Try to downplay being uptight...
-- "(nothinsevergonnastandinmyway) Again", Wilco
Saturday I headed out the door at 5.30am -- just like I was going into
work early. I'd been up late the night before finishing up "Zone One"
by Colson Whitehead, which ZOMG is incredible and you should read, but
I did not want to read while alone and feeling discombobulated in a
hotel room far from home. Cab to the airport, and I was suprised to
find I didn't even have to opt out; the L3 scanners were only being
used irregularly. I noticed the hospital curtains set up for the
private screening area; it looked a bit like God's own shower
The customs guard asked me where I was going, and whether I liked my
job. "That's important, you know?" Young, a shaved head and a
friendly manner. Confidential look left, right, then back at me. "My
last job? I knew when it was time to leave that one. You have a
good trip."
The gate for the airline I took was way out on a side wing of the
airport, which I can only assume meant that airline lost a coin toss
or something. The flight to Seattle was quick and low, so it wasn't
until the flight to San Diego that a) we climbed up to our cruising
altitude of $(echo "39000/3.3" | bc) 11818 meters and b) my ears
started to hurt. I've got a cold and thought that my aggressive taking
of cold medication would help, but no. The first seatmate had a
shaved head, a Howie Mandel soul patch, a Toki watch and read "Road
and Track" magazine, staring at the ads for mag wheels; the other
seatmate announced that he was in the Navy, going to his last command,
and was going to use the seat tray as a headrest as soon as they got
to cruising. "I was up late last night, you know?" I ate my Ranch
Corn Nuggets (seriously).
Once at the hotel, I ran into Bob the Norwegian, who berated me for
being surprised that he was there. "I've TOLD you this over and over
again!" Not only that, but he was there with three fellow Norwegian
sysadmins, including his minion. I immediately started composing
Scary Viking Sysadmin questions in my head; you may begin to look
forward to them.
We went out to the Gaslamp district of San Diego, which reminds me a
lot of Gastown in Vancouver; very familiar feel, and a similar arc
to its history. Alf the Norwegian wanted a hat for cosplay, so we hit
two -- TWO -- hat stores. The second resembled nothing so much as a
souvenir shop in a tourist town, but the first was staffed by two
hipsters looking like they'd stepped straight out of Instagram:

They sold $160 Panama hats. I very carefully stayed away from the
merchandise. Oh -- and this is unrelated -- from the minibar in my
hotel room:

We had dinner at a restaurant whose name I forget; stylish kind of
place, with ten staff members (four of whom announced, separately,
that they would be our server for the night). They seemed
disappointed when I ordered a Wipeout IPA ("Yeah, we're really known
more for our Sangria"), but Bob made up for it by ordering a Hawaiian

We watched the bar crawlers getting out of
cabs dressed in Sexy Santa costumes ("The 12 Bars of Xmas Pub Crawl
2012") and discussed Agile Programming (which phrase, when embedded in
a long string of Norwegian, sounds a lot like "Anger Management".)
Q: How do you know you're with a Scary Viking Sysadmin?
A: They explain the difference between a fjord and a fjell in terms of
IPv6 connectivity.
There was also this truck in the streets, showing the good folks of
San Diego just what they were missing by not being at home watching
Fox Sports:

We headed back to the hotel, and Bob and I waited for Matt to show
up. Eventually he did, with Ben Cotton in tow (never met him before
-- nice guy, gives Matt as much crap as I do -> GOOD) and Matt regaled
us with tales of his hotel room:
Matt: So -- I don't wanna sound special or anything -- but is your
room on the 7th floor overlooking the pool and the marina with a great
big king-sized bed? 'Cos mine is.
Me: Go on.
Matt: I asked the guy at the desk when I was checking in if I could
get a king-size bed instead of a double --
Me: "Hi, I'm Matt Simmons. You may know me from Standalone Hyphen
Sysadmin Dot Com?"
Ben: "I'm kind of a big deal on the Internet."
Matt: -- and he says sure, but we're gonna charge you a lot more if
you trash it.
Not Matt's balcony:

(UPDATE: Matt read this and said "Actually, I'm on the 9th floor? Not
the 7th." saintaardvarkthecarpeted.com regrets the error.)
I tweeted from the bar using my laptop ("It's an old AOLPhone
prototype"). It was all good.
05 Dec 2012
My friend Andy, who blogs at Tampa Bay Breakfasts, got an article
written about him here. Like his blog, it's good reading. You
should read both.
He's also a sysadmin who's on the LISA organizing committee this year,
and I'm going to be seeing him in a few days when I head down to San
Diego. The weather is looking shockingly good for this Rain City
inhabitant. I'm looking forward to it. Now I just have to pick out
my theme band for this year's conference....I'm thinking maybe Josh
03 Dec 2012
I always seem to forget how to do this, but it's actually pretty
simple. Assume you want to test a new bundle called "test", and it's
in a file called "test.cf". First, make sure your file has a control
stanza like this:
body common control {
inputs => { "/var/cfengine/inputs/cfengine_stdlib.cf" } ;
bundlesequence => { "test" } ;
Second, invoke it like so:
sudo /var/cfeing/bin/cf-agent -KI -f /path/to/test.cf
means "run no matter how soon after the last time it was run."
shows a list of promises repaired.
gives the path to the file you're testing.
30 Nov 2012
So yesterday I got an email from another sysadmin: "Hey, looks like
there's a lot of blocked connections to your server X. Anything
happening there?" Me: "Well, I moved email from X to Y on
Tuesday...but I changed the MX to point at Y. What's happening
Turns out I'd missed a fucking domain: I'd left the MX pointing to
the old server instead of moving it to the new one. And when I turned
off the mail server on the old domain, delivery to this domain
stopped. Fortunately I was able to get things going again: I changed
the MX to point at the new server, and turned on the old server again
to handle things until the new record propogated.
So how in hell did this happen? I can see two things I did wrong:
Poor planning: my plans and checklists included all the steps I
needed to do, but did not mention the actual domains being moved.
I relied on memory, which meant I remembered (and tested) two and
forgot the third. I should have included the actual domains: both
a note to check the settings and a test of email delivery.
No email delivery check by Nagios: Nagios checks that the email
server is up, displays a banner and so on, but does not check
actual email delivery for the domains I'm responsible for.
There's a plugin for that, of course, and I'm going to be
adding that.
I try to make a point of writing down things that go bad at $WORK,
along with things that go well. This is one of those things.
30 Nov 2012
Okay, this made me cry.
28 Nov 2012
When sub was released by 37signals, I liked it a lot. Over the
last couple of months I've been putting together a sub for Cfengine.
Now it's up on Github, and of course my own repo. It's not
pretty, but there are some pretty handy things in there. Enjoy!
28 Nov 2012
Yesterday I finally moved the $WORK mail server (well, services) from
a workstation under my desk to a proper VM and all. Mailman, Postfix,
Dovecot -- all went. Not only that, but I've got them running under
SELinux no less. Woot!
Next step was to update all the documentation, or at least most of it,
that referred to the old location. In the process I came across
something I'd written in advance of the last time I went to
LISA: "My workstation is not important. It does no services. I
mention this so that no one will panic if it goes down."
Whoops: not true! While migrating to Cfengine 3, I'd set up the Cf3
master server on my workstation. After all, it was only for testing,
right? Heh. We all know how that goes. So I finally bit the bullet
and moved it over to a now-even-more-important VM (no, not the mail
server) and put the policy files under /masterfiles so that
bootstrapping works. Now we're back to my workstation only
holding my stuff. Hurrah!
And did I mention that I'm going to LISA? True story. Sunday I'm
doing Amazon Web Services training; Monday I'm in the HPC
workshop; Tuesday I'm doing Powershell Fundamentals (time to
see how the other half lives, and anyway I've heard good things about
Powershell) and Ganeti (wanted to learn about that for a while).
As for the talks: I'm not as overwhelmed this year, but the Vint Cerf
speech oughta be good, and anyhow I'm sure there will be lots I can
figure out on the day.
Completely non-techrelated link of the day: "On Drawing". This
woman is an amazing writer.
23 Nov 2012
Back in January, yo, I wrote about trying to figure out how to
use Cfengine3 to do SELinux tasks; one of those was pushing out
SELinux modules. These are encapsulated bits of policy, usually
generated by piping SELinux logs to the audit2allow command.
audit2allow usually makes two files: a source file that's
human-readable, and a sorta-compiled version that's actually loaded by
So how do you deploy this sort of thing on multiple machines? One
option would be to copy around the compiled module...but while that's
technically possible, the SELinux developers don't guarantee it'll
work (link lost, sorry). The better way is to copy around the source
file, compile it, and then load it.
SANSNOC used this approach in puppet. I contacted them to ask if
it was okay for me to copy their approach/translate their code to Cf3,
and they said go for it. Here's my implementation:
bundle agent add_selinux_module(module) {
# This whole approach copied/ported from the SANS Institute's puppet modules:
# https://github.com/sansnoc/puppet
comment => "Create local SELinux directory for modules, etc.",
create => "true",
perms => mog("700", "root", "root");
comment => "Copy over module source.",
copy_from => secure_cp("$(g.masterfiles)/centos/5/etc/selinux/local/$(module).te", "$(g.masterserver)"),
perms => mog("440", "root", "root"),
classes => if_repaired("rebuild_$(module)");
comment => "Copy over module source.",
copy_from => secure_cp("$(g.masterfiles)/centos/5/etc/selinux/local/setup.cf3_template", "$(g.masterserver)"),
perms => mog("750", "root", "root"),
classes => if_repaired("rebuild_$(module)");
comment => "Create setup script. FIXME: This was easily done in one step in Puppet, and may be stupid for Cf3.",
create => "true",
edit_line => expand_template("/etc/selinux/local/setup.cf3_template"),
perms => mog("750", "root", "root"),
edit_defaults => empty,
classes => if_repaired("rebuild_$(module)");
comment => "Actually rebuild module.",
ifvarclass => canonify("rebuild_$(module)");
Here's how I invoke it as part of setting up a mail server:
bundle agent mail_server {
"selinux_mailserver_modules" slist => { "postfixpipe",
"dovecotdeliver" };
"Add mail server SELinux modules" usebundle => add_selinux_module("$(selinux_mailserver_modules)");
(Yes, that really is all I do as part of setting up a mail server.
Why do you ask? :-) )
So in the add_selinux_module
bundle, a directory is created for
local modules. The module source code, named after the module itself,
is copied over, and a setup script created from a Cf3 template. The
setup template looks like this:
# This file is configured by cfengine. Any local changes will be overwritten!
# Note that with template files, the variable needs to be referenced
# like so:
# $(bundle_name.variable_name)
# Where to store selinux related files
/usr/bin/checkmodule -M -m -o ${BUILD}/$(add_selinux_module.module).mod ${SOURCE}/$(add_selinux_module.module).te
/usr/bin/semodule_package -o ${BUILD}/$(add_selinux_module.module).pp -m ${BUILD}/$(add_selinux_module.module).mod
/usr/sbin/semodule -i ${BUILD}/$(add_selinux_module.module).pp
/bin/rm ${BUILD}/$(add_selinux_module.module).mod ${BUILD}/$(add_selinux_module.module).pp
Note the two kinds of disambiguating brackets here: {curly} to indicate
shell variables, and (round) to indicate Cf3 variables.
As noted in the bundle comment, the template might be overkill; I
think it would be easy enough to have the rebuild script just take the
name of the module as an argument. But it was a good excuse to get
familiar with Cf3 templates.
I've been using this bundle a lot in the last few days as I prep a new
mail server, which will be running under SELinux, and it works well.
Actually creating the module source file is something I'll put in
another post. Also, at some point I should probably put this up on
Github FWIW. (SANS had their stuff in the public domain, so I'll
probably do BSD or some such... in the meantime,please use this if
it's helpful to you.)
UPDATE: It's available on Github and my own server;
released under the MIT license. Share and enjoy!
21 Nov 2012
Nagios and Cf3 each have their strengths:
- Nagios has nicely-encapsulated checks for lots of different things, and I'm quite familiar with it.
- Cfengine is a nice way of sanely ensuring things are the way we want them to be (ie, without running amok and restarting something infinity times).
Nagios plugins, frankly, are hard to duplicate in Cfengine. Check out
this Cf3 implementation of a web server check:
bundle agent check_tcp_response {
"read_web_srv_response" string => readtcp("php.net", "80", "GET /manual/en/index.php HTTP/1.1$(const.r)$(const.n)Host: php.net$(const.r)$(const.n)$(const.r)$(const.n)", 60);
"expectedResponse" expression => regcmp(".*200 OK.*\n.*", "$(read_web_srv_response)");
"Something is wrong with php.net - see for yourself: $(read_web_srv_response)";
That simply does not compare with this Nagios stanza:
define service{
use local-service ; Name of service template to use
hostgroup_name http-servers
service_description HTTP
check_command check_http
define command{
command_name check_http
command_line $USER1$/check_http -I $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
My idea, which I totally stole from this article, was to invoke
Cfengine from Nagios when necessary, and let Cf3 restart the service.
Example: I've got this one service that monitors a disk array for
faults. It's flaky, and needs to be restarted when it stops
responding. I've already got a check for the service in Nagios, so I added an
event handler:
define service{
use local-service ; Name of service template to use
host_name diskarray-mon
service_description diskarray-mon website
check_command check_http!-H diskmon.example.com -S -u /login.html
event_handler invoke_cfrunagent
define command{
command_name invoke_cfrunagent
command_line $USER2/invoke_cfrunagent.sh -n "$SERVICEDESC" -s $SERVICESTATE$ -t $SERVICESTATETYPE$ -a $HOSTADDRESS$
Leaving out some getopt()
stuff, invoke_cfrunagent.sh looks like this:
# Convert "diskarray-mon website to disarray-mon_website":
SVC=${SVC/ /_}
# Debugging
echo "About to run sudo /var/cfengine/bin/cf-runagent -D $SVC -D $STATE -D $TYPE" | /usr/bin/logger
# We allow this in sudoers:
sudo /var/cfengine/bin/cf-runagent -D $SVC -D $STATE -D $TYPE
cf-runagent is a request, not an order, to the running cf-server
process to fulfill already-configured processes; it's like saying
"If you don't mind, could you please run now?"
Finally, this was to be detected in Cf3 like so:
"Restart the diskarray monitoring service" usebundle => restart_diskarray_monitor();
(This stanza is in a bundle that I know is called on the disk array monitor.)
Here's what works:
- If I run cf-agent -- not cf-runagent -- with those args ("-D
diskarray-monwebsite -D nagiosCRITICAL -D nagios_HARD"), it'll run
the restart script.
What doesn't work:
running cf-runagent, either as root or as nagios. It seems to stop
after analyzing classes and such, and not actually do anything. I'm
probably misunderstanding how cf-runagent is meant to work.
Nagios will only run an event handler when things change -- not
all the time until things get better. That means that if the first
attempt by Cf3 to restart doesn't work, for whatever reason, it
won't get run again.
What might work better is using this Cf3 wrapper for Nagios
plugins (which I think is the same approach, or possibly code,
discussed in this mailing list post).
Anyhow...This is a sort of half-assed attempt in a morning to get
something working. Not there yet.