Chasing the Dragon (sorry, couldn't resist)

It was a rare clearish morning here in New West, and I just saw the ISS and the SpaceX Dragon fly over my house! How awesome is that? There were light, patchy clouds overhead, but the ISS was still bright and visible through them -- and then fainter, just a little bit ahead, was the Dragon capsule! It's undocking right now, and it's amazing luck that I got to see it. (Swoon...)

In other news: yesterday I got sleep, it was sunny, I forgot a couple of things that I should have been working on, and the resulting optimism led me to migrate the sysadmin wiki for the third time. This time it was from Foswiki to Ikiwiki. I have nothing against Foswiki except that I really, REALLY want to edit everything from Emacs; for FW, that means this complicated wrapper around sudo that was getting tiring. Now it's Git + Emacs + Multimarkdown and I am happy.

Not only that, I got a long-standing feature request (one that I made to myself) out of the way: I can now check in, in Emacs Orgmode, to a particular RT ticket when replying to that ticket. (waves hands around in insane manner) Don't you see what this MEANS? Previously I'd have to switch to Emacs, refresh the rtliberation view which'd take 5 seconds (SO BORED), run a command to add it to my Org file, switch to Org, find the new addition, check in and THEN switch back to Mutt and reply. Now it's all in Emacs. It means a new life for ALL of us, baby! You'll see!

This entry brought to you by not enough sleep, excitement about spaceflight, Emacs geekery and a mug full of coffee.

Tags: astronomy sysadmin

Random stuff

I came to PyCon with two women colleagues, one of whom was harassed nearly constantly by men, albeit on a low level. Both of them are friendly people who are willing to engage at both a personal and a technical level with others, and apparently that signals to some that they can now feel free to comment on "hotness", proposition them, and otherwise act like 14 year old guys. As one friend said, (paraphrased) "I'd be more flattered that they seem to want to sleep with me, if they'd indicated any interest in me as a human being -- you know, asked me why I was at PyCon, what I did, what I worked on, what I thought about things. But they didn't."


As a community, we need to change the way we treat women, because my daughters will TASER YOU ALL INTO OBLIVION in 10-20 years if we don't.

Tags: space


Yesterday I was asked to restore a backup for a Windows desktop, and I couldn't: I'd been backing up "Documents and Settings", not "Users". The former is appropriate for XP, which this workstation'd had at some point, but not Windows 7 which it had now. I'd missed the 286-byte size of full backups. Luckily the user had another way to retrieve his data. But I felt pretty sick for a while; still do.

When shit like this happens, I try to come up with a Nagios test to watch for it. It's the regression test for sysadmins: is Nagios okay? Then at least you aren't repeating any mistakes. But how the hell do I test for this case? I'm not sure when the change happened, because the full backups I had (going back three months; our usual policy) were all 286 bytes. I thought I could settle for "alert me about full backups under...oh, I dunno, 100KB." But a search for that in the catalog turns up maybe ten or so, nine of them legitimate, meaning an alert for this will give 90% false positives.

So all right, a list of exceptions. Except that needs to be maintained. So imagine this sequence:

  1. A tiny filesystem is being backed up, and it's on the don't-bug-me-if-it's-small list.
  2. It actually starts holding files, which are now backed up, so it's probably important.
  3. But I don't update the don't-bug-me-if-it's-small list.
  4. Something goes wrong and the backups go back to being small.
  5. Someone requests the restore, and I can't provide it.

I need some way of saying "Oh, that's unusual..." Which makes me think of statistics, which I don't understand very well, and I start to think this is a bigger task than I realize and I'm maybe trying to create AI in a Bash script.

And really, I've got don't-bug-me-if-this lists, and local checks and exceptions, and I've documented things as well as I can but it's never enough. I've tried hard to make things easy for my eventual successor (I'm not switching jobs any time soon; just thinking of the future), and if not easy then at least documented, but I have this nagging feeling that she'll look at all this and just shake her head, the way I've done at other setups. It feels like this baroque, Balkanized, over-intricate set of kludges, special cases, homebrown scripts littered with FIXMEs and I don't know what-all. I've got Nagios invoking Bacula, and Cfengine managing some but not all, and it just feels overgrown. Weedy. Some days I don't know the way out.

And the stupid part is that NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE FIXED THE ORIGINAL PROBLEM: I screwed up and did not adjust the files I was backing up for a client. And that realization -- that after cycling through all these dark worryings about how I'm doing my job, I'm right back where I started, a gutkick suspicion that I shouldn't be allowed to do what I do and I can't even begin to make a go at fixing things -- that is one hell of a way to end a day at work.

Tags: sysadmin backups

Observing Report -- March 8, 2013

All right, this was a frustrating night. It was clear and moonless and lovely, but I spent much of my time looking for faint fuzzies and not finding them. Which is probably not surprising since I'm in the goram suburbs, but still. I prepared for this run by getting my maps out in advance, and printing out sketches of stuff I was looking for...but all for nought. NOUGHT, I say.

M33: Just for fun, before it sunk out of sight. No.

M1: No, 2x. First with the manual setting circles, and then another attempt following an actual chart. The second attempt actually got me in the right area, but I still couldn't see it. I realized that the chart I'd printed out seemed to be about 5 degrees off in azimuth -- not good. Same thing happened with M50. (Pretty sure I aligned with Polaris this time...)

X Cancri: A carbon star. Found, hurrah! Very nice.

Castor: Resolved to double at 100X, and maybe to triple at 160X. Interestingly, it looked like a sheaf of wheat at 160X. I wish I'd collimated before heading out.

M66: I spent a long time tracking this down, and the best I could get was maybe-possibly with averted vision. Maybe.

Other than a mandatory quick look at Jupiter, that was pretty much it. Not much found, not much accomplished. It feels a bit likewhen I was first starting out: can't find things, can't see them when I do. Grrr.

Tags: astronomy

Troubleshooting deferred jobs, episode 80

The other day at $WORK, a user asked me why the jobs she was submitting to the cluser were being deferred. They only needed one core each, and showq showed lots free, so WTF?

By the time I checked on the state of these deferred jobs, the jobs were already running -- and yeah, there were lots of cores free. The checkjob command showed something interesting, though:

$ checkjob 34141 | grep Messages
Messages:  cannot start job - RM failure, rc: 15041, msg: 'Execution server rejected request MSG=cannot send job to mom, state=PRERUN'

I thought this was from the node that the job was on now:

$ qstat -f 34141 | grep exec_host
exec_host = compute-3-5/19

but that was a red herring. (I could've also got the host from "checkjob | grep -2 "Allocated Nodes".) Instead, grepping through maui.log showed that it had been compute-1-11 that was the real problem:

/opt/maui/log $ sudo grep 34141 maui.log.3 maui.log.2 maui.log.1 maui.log |grep -E 'WARN|ERROR'
maui.log.3:03/05 16:21:48 ERROR:    job '34141' has NULL WCLimit field
maui.log.3:03/05 16:21:48 ERROR:    job '34141' has NULL WCLimit field
maui.log.3:03/05 16:21:50 ERROR:    job '34141' cannot be started: (rc: 15041  errmsg: 'Execution server rejected request MSG=cannot send job to mom, state=PRERUN'  hostlist: 'compute-1-11')
maui.log.3:03/05 16:21:50 WARNING:  cannot start job '34141' through resource manager
maui.log.3:03/05 16:21:50 ERROR:    cannot start job '34141' in partition DEFAULT
maui.log.3:03/05 17:21:56 ERROR:    job '34141' cannot be started: (rc: 15041  errmsg: 'Execution server rejected request MSG=cannot send job to mom, state=PRERUN'  hostlist: 'compute-1-11')

There were lots of messages like this; I think the scheduler kept only gave up on that node much later (hours).

checknode showed nothing wrong; in fact, it was running a job currently and had 4 free cores:

$ checknode compute-1-11
checking node compute-1-11

State:      Busy  (in current state for 6:23:11:32)
Configured Resources: PROCS: 12  MEM: 47G  SWAP: 46G  DISK: 1M
Utilized   Resources: PROCS: 8
Dedicated  Resources: PROCS: 8
Opsys:         linux  Arch:      [NONE]
Speed:      1.00  Load:      13.610
Network:    [DEFAULT]
Features:   [NONE]
Attributes: [Batch]
Classes:    [default 0:12]

Total Time:   INFINITY  Up:   INFINITY (98.74%)  Active:   INFINITY (18.08%)

  Job '33849'(8)  -6:23:12:03 -> 93:00:47:56 (99:23:59:59)
JobList:  33849

maui.log showed an alert:

maui.log.10:03/03 22:32:26 ALERT: RM state corruption. job '34001' has idle node 'compute-1-11' allocated (node forced to active state)

but that was another red herring; this is common and benign.

dmesg on compute-1-11 showed the problem:

compute-1-11 $ dmesg | tail
sd 0:0:0:0: SCSI error: return code = 0x08000002
sda: Current: sense key: Hardware Error
<<vendor>> ASC=0x80 ASCQ=0x87ASC=0x80 <<vendor>> ASCQ=0x87
Info fld=0x10489
end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 66697
Aborting journal on device sda1.
ext3_abort called.
EXT3-fs error (device sda1): ext3_journal_start_sb: Detected aborted journal
Remounting filesystem read-only
(Linux)|Wed Mar 06 09:37:20|[compute-1-11:~]$ mount
/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/sda5 on /state/partition1 type ext3 (rw)
/dev/sda2 on /var type ext3 (rw)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)
sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
sophie:/export/scratch on /share/networkscratch type nfs (rw,addr=

mount: warning /etc/mtab is not writable (e.g. read-only filesystem).
   It's possible that information reported by mount(8) is not
   up to date. For actual information about system mount points
   check the /proc/mounts file.

but this was also logged on the head node in /var/log/messages:

$ sudo grep compute-1-11.local /var/log/* |grep -vE 'automount|snmpd|qmgr|smtp|pam_unix|Accepted publickey' > ~/rt_1526/compute-1-11.syslog
/var/log/messages:Mar  6 00:26:22 compute-1-11.local pbs_mom: LOG_ERROR::Read-only file system (30) in job_purge, Unlink of job file failed
/var/log/messages:Mar  6 00:26:22 compute-1-11.local pbs_mom: LOG_ERROR::Read-only file system (30) in remtree, unlink failed on /opt/torque/mom_priv/jobs/34038.sophie.TK
/var/log/messages:Mar  6 00:26:22 compute-1-11.local pbs_mom: LOG_ERROR::Read-only file system (30) in job_purge, Unlink of job file failed

and in /var/log/kern:

$ sudo tail /var/log/kern
Mar  5 10:05:00 compute-1-11.local kernel: Aborting journal on device sda1.
Mar  5 10:05:01 compute-1-11.local kernel: ext3_abort called.
Mar  5 10:05:01 compute-1-11.local kernel: EXT3-fs error (device sda1): ext3_journal_start_sb: Detected aborted journal
Mar  5 10:05:01 compute-1-11.local kernel: Remounting filesystem read-only
Mar  7 05:18:06 compute-1-11.local kernel: Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissible range

There are a few things I've learned from this:

  • checkjob | grep Messages -- but there's no standard format for this.
  • I really need to send alerts when /var/log/kern gets written to.

I've started to put some of these commands in a sub -- that's a really awesome framework from 37 signals to collect commonly-used commands together. In this case, I've named the sub "sophie", after the cluster I work on (named in turn after the daughter of the PI). You can find it on github or my own server (github is great, but what happens when it goes away? ...but that's a rant for another day.) Right now there are only a few things in there, and they're somewhat specific to my environment, and doubtless they could be improved -- but it's helping a lot so far.

Tags: rocks hpc sysadmin

Observing Report -- March 3, 2013

This was a busy-ass day, yo. Got up at 5.30am to make beer, only to find out that a server at work had gone down and its ILOM no longer works. A few hours later, I've convinced everyone that a trip to UBC would be lovely; I go in, reboot the server and we drive back. It's no 6000 km from Calgary to California and back like my brother does, but for us that's a long drive.

And then it's time to make beer, because I've left it mashing overnight. Boil, chill, sanitize, pitch, lug, clean, and we're one batch closer to 50 (50!). A call to my parents (oh yeah: Dad, you guys can totally stay here in May) and then its supper. And then it's time for astronomizing. Computers, beer and astronomy: this day had it all.

So tonight's run was mostly about trying out the manual setting circles. I don't have a tablet or smart phone to run something like Stellarium on, so for now I'm printing out a spreadsheet with a three-hour timeline, 15 minute intervals, of whatever Messiers are above the horizon.

How did it work? Well, first I zeroed the azimuth on Kochab (Beta UM) rather than Polaris, and kept wondering why the hell the azimuth was off on everything. I realized my mistake, set things right, and tried again. worked well, when I could recognize things.

M42, for example, was easy. (It was the first thing I found by dialing everything in, and when I took a look there was a satellite crossing the FOV. Neat!) But then, it's big, easy to recognize, and i've seen it before. Ditto M45. M1? Not so much; I haven't seen it before, and I didn't have a map ready to look at. M35, surprisingly, was hard to find; M34 was relatively easy, and M36 was found mainly because I knew what to look for in the finder.

This should not be surprising. I've been tracking down objects by starhopping for a while now, so why I thought it would be easier now that I could dial stuff in is beyond me. It's my first time, and the positions were calculated for Vancouver, not New West (though I'm curious how much diff that actually makes).

There were some other things I looked for, though.

M51: found the right location via starhopping, and confirmed on my chart. But could I see it? Could I bollocks.

M50: Pretty sure I did see this; looking at sketches, they seem pretty similar to what I saw. (And that's another thing: it really does feel too easy, like I haven't earned it, and I can't be sure I've really found it.) Oh, and saw Pakan 3, an asterism shaped like a 3/E/M/W, nearby.

M65/M66: Maybe M65; found the location via starhopping and confirmed the position in my chart. Seems like I had the barest hint of M65 visible.

At the request of my kids:

Jupiter: Three bands; not as steady as I thought it would be.

Pleidies: Very nice, but I do wis I had a wider field lens.

M36: Eli suggested a star cluster, aso I went with this. Lovely X shape.

Betelgeuse: Nice colour. Almost forgot about this, and had to look at it through trees before I went home.

Tags: beer sysadmin astronomy geekdad

Observing Report -- February 19, 2013

Clear night? I'm out. "Don't you work tomorrow?" ...Sorry, not sure I understand you.

Took out the folding table I got at Costco for the first time, and it worked pretty well. It was surprisingly easy to balance on the handcart, and it was incredibly handy to have around. Not going back.

M41: Now that Sirius is higher above the horizon, this is doable. Found it in binoculars, sketched it quickly through the scope before it went behind a tree.

M43: Tried, and I'm pretty sure I got it. Not sure if it was the moon or what, but this was definitely an averted-vision target. Still, marking it done. That's two more Messiers.

Almach: Yeah, that is a pretty double. I like Delta Cephei better, though.

NGC 2683, AKA the UFO galaxy: This took a long time to track down, and I wasn't even sure I'd found it. But I sketched it, and comparing that to other sketches (this one in particular -- and, surprisingly, this photo) I can see that I did, um, see it, hurrah! But only with difficulty and averted detail whatsoever.

Jupter: Pretty as always.

Moon: Lovely views of the Montes Teneriffe, looking like chicken claws, plus Helicon and Le Verrier craters. Helicon is 25km in diameter, and that's kind of amazing: I can see something on another world that is the size of my commute to work.

Tags: astronomy

Don't do that, then

Q from a user today that took two hours (not counting this entry) to track down: why are my jobs idle when showq shows there are a lot of free processors? (Background: we have a Rocks cluster, 39 nodes, 492 cores. Torque + Maui, pretty vanilla config.)

First off, showq did show a lot of free cores:

$ showq
[lots of jobs]

192 Active Jobs     426 of  492 Processors Active (86.59%)
            38 of   38 Nodes Active      (100.00%)
IDLE JOBS----------------------

32542                  jdoe       Idle     1  1:00:00:00  Fri Feb 15 13:55:55
32543                  jdoe       Idle     1  1:00:00:00  Fri Feb 15 13:55:55
32544                  jdoe       Idle     1  1:00:00:00  Fri Feb 15 13:55:56

Okay, so why? Let's take one of those jobs:

$ checkjob 32542
checking job 32542

State: Idle
Creds:  user:jdoe  group:example  class:default  qos:DEFAULT
WallTime: 00:00:00 of 1:00:00:00
SubmitTime: Fri Feb 15 13:55:55
  (Time Queued  Total: 2:22:55:26  Eligible: 2:22:55:26)

Total Tasks: 1

Req[0]  TaskCount: 1  Partition: DEFAULT
Network: [NONE]  Memory >= 0  Disk >= 0  Swap >= 0
Opsys: [NONE]  Arch: [NONE]  Features: [NONE]

IWD: [NONE]  Executable:  [NONE]
Bypass: 196  StartCount: 0
PartitionMask: [ALL]
Reservation '32542' (21:17:14 -> 1:21:17:14  Duration: 1:00:00:00)
PE:  1.00  StartPriority:  4255
job cannot run in partition DEFAULT (idle procs do not meet requirements : 0 of 1 procs found)
idle procs: 216  feasible procs:   0

Rejection Reasons: [State        :    1][HostList     :   38]

Note the bit that says:

job cannot run in partition DEFAULT (idle procs do not meet requirements : 0 of 1 procs found)

If we run "checkjob -v", we see some additional info (all the rest is the same):

Detailed Node Availability Information:

compute-2-1              rejected : HostList
compute-1-1              rejected : HostList
compute-3-2              rejected : HostList
compute-1-3              rejected : State
compute-1-4              rejected : HostList
compute-1-5              rejected : HostList
[and on it goes...]

This means that compute-1-3, one of the nodes we have, has been assigned to the job. It's busy, so it'll get to the job Real Soon Now. Problem solved!

Well, no. Because if you run something like this:

showq -u jdoe |awk '/Idle/ {print "checkjob -v " $1}' | sh

then a) you're probably in a state of sin, and b) you'll see that there are a lot of jobs assigned to compute-1-3. WTF?

Well, this looks pretty close to what I'm seeing. And as it turns out, the user in question submitted a lot of jobs (hundreds) all at the same time. Ganglia lost track of all the nodes for a while, so I assume that Torque did as well. (Haven't checked into that yet...trying to get this down first; documenting stuff for Rocks is always a problem for me.) The thread reply suggests qalter, but that doesn't seem to work.

While I'm at it, here's a list of stuff that doesn't work:

  • "qalter -l neednodes= " ; maui restart
  • "runjob -c "; maui restart
  • "runjob -c "; "releasehold " ; maui restart

(Oh, and btw turns out runjob is supposed to be replaced by mjobctl, but mjobctl doesn't appear to work. True story.)

So at this point I'm stuck suggesting two things to the user:

  • Don't submit umpty jobs at once
  • Either wait for compute-1-3 to work through all your jobs, or cancel and resubmit them.

God I hate HPC sometimes.

Helpful links that explained some of this:

Tags: hpc rocks

Queues for Bacula

I have a love-hate relationship with Bacula. It works, it's got clients for Windows, and it uses a database for its catalog (a big improvement over what I'd been used to, back in the day, from Amanda...though that's probably changed since then). OTOH, it has had an annoying set of bugs, the database can be a real bear to deal with, and scheduling....oh, scheduling. I'm going to hold off on ranting on scheduling. But you should know that in Bacula, you have to be explicit:

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = Level=Full Pool=Monthly 1st sat at 2:05
  Run = Level=Differential Pool=Daily 2nd-5th sat at 2:05
  Run = Level=Incremental IncrementalPool=Daily FullPool=Monthly 1st-5th mon-fri, 2nd-5th sun at 00:41

This leads to problems on the first Saturday of the month, when all those full backups kick off. In the server room itself, where the backup server (and tape library) are located, it's not too bad; there's a GigE network, lots of bandwidth, and it's a dull roar, as you may say. But I also back up clients on a couple of other networks on campus -- one of which is 100 Mbit. Backing up 12 x 500GB home partitions on a remote 100 MBit network means a) no one on that network can connect to their servers anymore, and b) everything takes days to complete, making it entirely likely that something will fail in that time and you've just lost your backup.

One way to do that is to adjust the schedule. Maybe you say that you only want to do full backups every two months, and to not do everything on the same Saturday. That leads to crap like this:

Schedule {
  Name = "TwoMonthExpiryWeeklyCycleWednesdayFull"
  Run = Level=Full Pool=MonthlyTwoMonthExpiry 2nd Wed jan,mar,may,jun,sep,nov at 20:41
  Run = Level=Differential Pool=Daily 2nd-5th sat at 2:05
  Run = Level=Differential Pool=Daily 1st sat feb,apr,jun,aug,oct,dec at 2:05
  Run = Level=Incremental IncrementalPool=Daily FullPool=MonthlyTwoMonthExpiry 1st-5th mon-tue,thu-fri,sun, 2nd-5th wed at 20:41
  Run = Level=Incremental IncrementalPool=Daily FullPool=MonthlyTwoMonthExpiry 2nd Wed jan,mar,may,jun,sep,nov at 20:41

That is awful; it's difficult to make sure you've caught everything, and you have to do something like this for Thursday, Friday, Tuesday...

I guess I did rant about Bacula scheduling after all.

A while back I realized that what I really wanted was a queue: a list of jobs for the slow network that would get done one at a time. I looked around, and found Perl's IPC::DirQueue. It's a pretty simple module that uses directories and files to manage queues, and it's safe over NFS. It seemed a good place to start.

So here's what I've got so far: there's an IPC::Dirqueue-managed queue that has a list of jobs like this:

  • desktop-01-home
  • desktop-01-etc
  • desktop-01-var
  • desktop-02-home
  • (etc, etc)

I've got a simple Perl script that, using IPC::DirQueue, take the first job and run it like so:

open (BCONSOLE, "| /usr/bin/bconsole");
print BCONSOLE "run job=" . $job . " level=Full pool=Monthly yes";
close (BCONSOLE);

I've set up a separate job definition for the 100Mbit-network clients:

JobDefs {
  Name = "100MbitNetworkJob
  Type = Backup
  Client = agnatha-fd
  Level = Incremental
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycleNoFull"
  Storage = tape
  Messages = Standard
  Priority = 10
  SpoolData = yes
  Pool = Daily
  Cancel Lower Level Duplicates = yes
  Cancel Queued Duplicates = yes
  RunScript {
  RunsWhen = After
  Runs On Client = No
  Command = "/path/to/job_queue/bacula_queue_mgr -c %l -r"

"WeeklyCycleNoFull" is just what it sounds like: daily incrementals, weekly diffs, but no fulls; those are taken care of by the queue. The RunScript stanza is the interesting part: it runs baculaqueuemgr (my Perl script) after each job has completed. It includes the level of the job that just finished (Incremental, Differential or Full), and the "-r" argument to run a job.

The Perl script in question will only run a job if the one that just finished was a Full level. This was meant to be a crappy^Wsimple way of ensuring that we run Fulls one at a time -- no triggering a Full if an Incremental has just finished, since I might well be running a bunch of Incrementals at once.

It's not yet entirely working. It works well enough if I run the queue manually (which is actually tolerable compared to what I had before), but Bacula running the "baculaqueuemgr" command does nto quite work. The queue module has a built-in assumption about job lifetimes, and while I can tweak it to be something like days (instead of the default, which I think is 15 minutes), the script still notes that it's removing a lot of stale lockfiles, and there's nothing left to run because they're all old jobs. I'm still working on this, and I may end up switching to some other queue module. (Any suggestions, let me know; pretty much open to any scripting language.)

A future feature will be getting these jobs queued up automagically by Nagios. I point Nagios at Bacula to make sure that jobs get run often enough, and it should be possible to have Nagios' event handler enqueue a job when it figure's it's overdue.

For now, though, I'm glad this has worked out as well as it has. I still feel guilty about trying to duplicate Amanda's scheduling features, but I feel a bit like Macbeth: in blood stepped in so far....So I keep going. For now.

Tags: backups bacula

Observing Report -- February 13, 2013

(Yep, that's more than a month since the last time...)

Tonight was a rare clear night. Just before putting the kids to bed, I stepped outside to see if it was clear -- and saw the ISS heading over! Talk about good timing...I ran back inside and got my youngest son to come out so we could wave at @Cmdr_Hadfield. Sadly, doesn't seem like he saw us.

I was expecting the clouds to roll in, but they didn't. I was dithering about whether to go out, and my wife said "Why don't you just go? It'll make you happy." Now that's a) good advice and b) a wonderful partner. I'm lucky.

So out, scope not even cooled, and did I care? Did I bollocks. It was wonderful to be out, and the clouds really did hold off a long time.

M81 and M82 -- Holy crap, I found them again. It's been a while since I saw them, and it was wonderfully encouraging to know I could track them down.

Moon -- quick look, as it was setting and being covered by clouds. Fun fact: while walking home from work, I was surprised at how small the moon was. Then I remembered that's just its regular size, and it's been a while since I saw it.

Polaris -- the engagement ring. Pretty. Fits into a 40mm eyepiece view ('bout a degree FOV).

M34 -- First time, which means I've got one more Messier bagged. What a pretty cluster! Took the time to sketch it. Looks like a triskelion to me. (UPDATE: Whoops, actually found it last September. Dangit.)

M42 -- Beautiful, beautiful. I've been looking at sketches of it recently, and that helped me notice more detail, like the fish-mouth shape and the bat wings. But I think I was not looking in the right place for M43. Next time. (BTW, this is just a lovely sketch.) I think I saw the E star, which is nice.

Brief attempt to find M1, but by that time the clouds were rolling in. What a lovely, satisfying night.

Tags: astronomy geekdad

Bash Pitfalls

I can't remember where I came across it, but this Bash Pitfalls page is awesome.

Tags: bash programming

FTP problems solved by bletcherous hack

Some time between mid-December and January at $WORK, we noticed that FTP transfers from the NIH NCBI were nearly always failing; maybe one attempt in 15 or so would work. I got it down to this test case:


The failed downloads would not fail right away, but instead hung when the data connection from the remote end should have transferred the file to us. Twiddling passive did nothing. If I tried HTTP instead of FTP, I'd get about 16k and then the transfer would hang.

That hostname,, resolves to 4-6 different IP addresses, with a TTL of 30 seconds. I found that ftp transfers from these IP addresses failed:


but this one worked:


The A record you get doesn't seem to have a pattern, so I presume it's being handled by a load balancer rather than simple round-robin. It didn't come up very often, which I think accounts for the low rate of success.

At first I thought this might indicate network problems here at $WORK, but the folks I contacted insisted nothing has changed, we're not behind any additional firewalls, and all our packets take the same route to both sets of addresses. So I checked our firewall, and couldn't find anything there -- no blocked packets, and to the best of my knowledge no changed settings. Weirdly, running the wget command on the firewall itself (which runs OpenBSD, instead of CentOS Linux like our servers) worked...that was an interesting rabbit hole. But if I deked out the firewall entirely and put a server outside, it still failed.

Then I tripped over the fix: lowering the MTU from our usual 9000 bytes to 8500 bytes made the transfers work successfully. (Yes, 8500 and no more; 8501 fails, 8500 or below works.) And what has an MTU of 8500 bytes? Cisco Firewall Service Modules, which are in use here at $WORK -- though not (I thought) on our network. I contacted the network folks again, they double-checked, and said no, we're not suddenly behind an FSM. And in fact, their MTU is 8500 nearly everywhere...which probably didn't happen overnight.

Changing the MTU here was an imposing thought; I'd have to change it everywhere, at once, and test with reboots...Bleah. Instead, I decided to try TCP MSS clamping instead with this iptables rule:

iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --set-mss 8460

(Again, 8460 or below works; 8461 or above works fine.) It's a hack, but it works. I'm going to contact the NCBI folks and ask if anything's changed at their end.

Tags: network sysadmin jumboframes

Top Tips, Part 49

Two things I keep forgetting:

  • If you've got an account with a shell like "/sbin/nologin", and you want to run su but you keep getting "This account is currently not available", you can run su like so:
su -s /bin/bash -c [command] [userid]

  • You can get Linux to drop its NFS caches (technically, pagecache + dentries + inodes) like so:
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Thanks to the good folks at Server Fault/Stack Overflow.


Viewing Saturn

I took the kids out this morning to look at Saturn through the telescope. It was a rare clear day; the clouds of the last three months seem to have taken a break. And it was cold -- probably -5C out there.

First, though, we had a visit from Mustard Boy! He uses a frisbee for a weapon.

Mustard Boy

Arlo took this picture through the viewfinder, and it turned out surprisingly well. Saturn is just visible above (well, below) the rooftops. It wasn't the best location for viewing, but it was nice and close.

Saturn through the viewfinder

This, by constrast, is the crappiest afocal picture ever.

Crappy afocal

But on to the kids! The tempation to look down the tube of the telescope is nigh-inescapable.

What's down there?

Notice the stickers on the telescope. Some of those I added, but approximately 6 x 10^8 were added yesterday when the kids were bored.

So many stickers

Eli is small enough that I have to lift him up to see through the eyepiece.

Heave! Ho!

Saturn was small -- 100x doesn't show a very big image -- but we had fun, didn't get cold and no one got their toungue stuck to the telescope. I declare that success.

Tags: astronomy geekdad

Observing Report -- January 11, 2013

First observing run of 2013! It was absolutely, stunningly clear last night...but that was the RASC lecture (exoplanets w/the MOST telescope; interesting, but I already knew much of the talk). Tonight it was hazy in the north, and it slowly stretched to the south -- but that took a while, and I had a couple hours anyhow. Which was good, because ZOMG it was cold.

Started out with Jupiter, 'cos how can you avoid Jupiter when it's up there so big and bright? The GRS was obvious, which was nice -- I picked it out without knowing that it was going to be visible.

M35: noticed a ragged curve of maybe 14 stars (suns!) anchored by two bright stars at the end...kinda looks like a frown. Maybe able to see colours (left: blue; right: pale yellow). I thought I'd found NGC 2158, but after comparing it with some sketches I think I was wrong.

NGC 2392, the Clown Face Nebula/Eskimo Nebula. I cannot say that it was terribly impressive, even with an O3 filter. (Did I mention that I bought an O3 filter? 'Cos I did.)

M31: Only mentioned in the spirit of completeness.

M42 with the O3 filter is pretty impressive.

M47: I was unsure if I'd found this, so I made a quick sketch. When I got home, I was able to verify that I really had it. Good to find it, but man, not much to look at. Close to the horizon, and there may have been some haze in there too.

After that, I headed in; my feet were freezing. Thought about improvements for next time (don't use a metal clipboard, get a clip-on flashlight, buy a folding table) while packing up, and came home to wine, my wife and the fire. Nice.

Tags: astronomy

Lazygal is the bomb

For a while I've been looking for a gallery to host at home -- something we could use to share pix with family and the like. I've looked at Gallery and toyed with MediaGoblin (among others), but they've all been missing the functions I really wanted: scriptability and mas uploads. I figured I wanted a static gallery generator, but I couldn't seem to find any.

A few days ago, though, I came across Lazygal, and it's perfect. Simple commands, nice look, and best of all it's easy to combine it with Git to get mass uploads. Still playing with post-update hooks, but it shouldn't be too hard to get this working. Next up: teach my wife and kids git; only half-joking.


Got an office now

I found out before Xmas that my request for an office had been approved. We had some empty ones hanging around, and my boss encouraged me to ask for one. Yesterday I worked in it for the first time; today I started moving in earnest, and moved my workstation over.

And my god, is it ever cool. The office itself is small but nice -- lots of desk space, a bookshelf, and windows (OMG natural light). But holy crap, was it ever wonderful to sit in there, alone, uninterrupted, and work. Just work. Like, all the stuff I want to do? I was able to sit down, plan out my year, and figure out that in the grand scheme of things it's not too much. (The problem is wanting to do everything right away.) And today I worked on getting our verdammt printing accounting exposed to Windows users, setting up Samba for the first time in eons and even getting it to talk to LDAP.

Not only that -- not only that, I say, but when I had interruptions -- when people came to me with questions -- it was fine. I didn't feel angry, or lost, or helpless. I helped them as best I could, and moved on. And got more shit done in a day than I've done in a week.

I'm going to miss hanging out with the people in the cubicle I was in. Yes, they're only ten metres away, but there's a world of difference between having people there and having to walk over to see them. I'm not terribly outgoing, and it's just in the last six months or so that I've really come to enjoy all the people around me. They're fun, and it's nice to be able to talk to them. (There's even a programmer who homebrews, for a wonderful mixture of tech and beer talk.) But oh my sweet darling door made of steel and everything, I love this place.

Tags: work sysadmin

Trying to make things easier

First day back at $WORK after the winter break yesterday, and some...interesting...things. Like finding out about the service that didn't come back after a power outage three weeks ago. Fuck. Add the check to Nagios, bring it up; when the light turns green, the trap is clean.

Or when I got a page about a service that I recognized as having, somehow, to do with a webapp we monitor, but no real recollection of what it does or why it's important. Go talk to my boss, find out he's restarted it and it'll be up in a minute, get the 25-word version of what it does, add him to the contact list for that service and add the info to documentation.

I start to think about how to include a link to documentation in Nagios alerts, and a quick search turns up "Default monitoring alerts are awful" , a blog post by Jeff Goldschrafe about just this. His approach looks damned cool, and I'm hoping he'll share how he does this. Inna meantime, there's the Nagios config options "notes", "notesurl" and "actionurl", which I didn't know about. I'll start adding stuff to the Nagios config. (Which really makes me wish I had a way of generating Nagios config...sigh. Maybe NConf?)

But also on Jeff's blog I found a post about Kaboli, which lets you interact with Nagios/Icinga through email. That's cool. Repo here.

Planning. I want to do something better with planning. I've got RT to catch problems as they emerge, and track them to completion. Combined with orgmode, it's pretty good at giving me a handy reference for what I'm working on (RT #666) and having the whole history available. What it's not good at is big-picture planning...everything is just a big list of stuff to do, not sorted by priority or labelled by project, and it's a big intimidating mess. I heard about Kanban when I was at LISA this year, and I want to give it a try...not suure if it's exactly right, but it seems close.

And then I came across Behaviour-driven infrastructure through Cucumber, a blog post from Lindsay Holmwood. Which is damn cool, and about which I'll write more another time. Which led to the Github repo for a cucumber/nagios plugin, and reading more about Cucumber, and behaviour-driven development versus test-driven development (hint: they're almost exactly the same thing).

My god, it's full of stars.

Tags: sysadmin nagios cfengine testing documentation programming lisa

And then there are the resolutions

I'm still digesting all the stuff that came out of LISA this year. But there are a number of things I want to try out:

  • I learned a little bit about agile development, mainly from Geoff Halprin's training material and keynote, and it seemed interesting. One of the things that resonated with me was the idea of only having a small number of work stages for stuff: in the queue, next, working, and done. (Going without the info here, so quite possibly wrong.) I like that: work on stuff in two-week chunks, commit to that and get it done. That seems much more manageable than having stuff in the queue with no real idea of a schedule. And a two-week chunk is at least a good place to start: interruptions aren't about to go away any time soon, and I can adjust this as necessary.

  • A corollary is that it's probably not best to plan more than two such things in a month. I'm thinking about things like switching from Nagios to Icinga, setting up Ganeti, and such: more than I can do in an hour, less than a semester's work.

  • I really want to work on eliminating pain points this year. Icinga's one; Nagios' web interface is painful. (I'd also like to look at Sensu.) I want to make backups better. I want to add proper testing for Cfengine with Vagrant and Git, so I can go on more than a wing and a prayer when pushing changes.

  • I also need to work more closely with the faculty in my department. Part of that is committing to more manageable work, and part of that is just following through more. Part of it, though, is working with people that intimidate me, and letting them know what I can do for them.

  • I need to manage my time better, and I think a big part of that is interruptions. I've just been told I'm getting an office, which is a mixed blessing. There's a certain amount of flux in the office, and I've been making friends with the people around me lately. I'll miss them/that, but I think the ability to retreat and work on something is going to be valuable.

  • Another part of managing time is, I think/hope, a better routine. Like: one hour every day for long-term project work. (The office makes this easier to imagine.) Set times for the things I want to get done at home (where my free time comes in one-hour chunks). Deciding if I want to work on transit (I can take my laptop home with me, and it's a 90 minute commute), and how (fun projects? stuff I can't get done at work? blue-sky stuff?). If, because a. my eyes will bug out if I stare at a screen all day and b. I firmly intend to keep a limit on my work time. So it'd probably be a couple days a week, to allow time for all the podcasts and books I want to inhale.

  • Microboxing for productivity. Interesting stuff.

  • Kanban. Related to Agile, but I forgot about it. Pomodoro + Emacs + Orgmode, too.

Probably more as I think of it...but right now it's time to sleep. 5.30am comes awful early after 11 days off...

Tags: sysadmin lisa

New Year's Day 2012

Continuing our long tradition of being old, my wife and I barely made it to 9.48pm last night before falling asleep. But we made up for it this morning, when we took the kids on a walk to find a graveyard. Okay, so there's one nearby, but it sounds exciting (especially when the kids don't realize that "graveyard" is the same as "cemetery", and thus the same boring thing you drive by all the time). But it got even better: the fog was thick as pea soup, and we found THE RAVINE. I mean, look at these pictures:


Clara kept telling the boys that the popotch would get them if they wandered off the trail. (Popotch == semi-made-up Italian for witch)


I was quite scared of the popotch.


So it turned out we were in the Glenbrook Ravine Park:


We've been in New West six years now and never once knew it was there. Not only that, but there's a 118 year-old bell:


And it's from an old prison...


which is just up the street:


After this we had to walk up an enormous hill, whipping the children the whole way. And it was then that we finally got to the graveyard, but they were too tired to do more than groan at how much further they had to walk to get home. I mean, not even the Lacrosse Hall of Fame could get them excited.

And finally, we done had a battery splosion:

Battery splosion

This came from a toy the boys got for Xmas. The battery ran out (quite normally, I should add), and I had taken it out of the toy so we could replace it. I wrapped it in an old copy of my resume I'd been working on, tucked it into my pocket in preparation for a trip to the dollar store, then promptly forgot about it. 24 hours later I was sitting around minding my own business when POP! I had no idea what the hell'd just happened, but when I dug around in my pocket I found the paper and unwrapped it. The cap popped right off; the bit on the left was something like sponge or wool, and was quite hot.

I think the ink is conductive; my wife thinks maybe the battery got too hot just sitting around. At some point I'll conduct an experiment.

Tags: geekdad