05 Mar 2007
Last month, my work got a new H.323 video conferencing unit, and today
we had our first real test: a lecture given at SFU that was streamed
to us. For the most part, it went really well; there were no big
screw-ups and everything went as planned. During the second half of
the conference, though, the audio was intermittently choppy. I'm not
certain, but I think that a local user's Internet radio stream may
have caused the problems.
If that's the case — and it would surprise me, since I'd assumed we
had a pretty damned fast connection to the Internet — then I'll need
to start adding traffic shaping to our firewall. Working on the
firewall is something I've been putting off for a while, since it's a
bit obscure…lovely pf firewall, littered through with quick
rules. But there's a good tool for pf unit testing I've been meaning
to try out since I heard about it at LISA. Probably won't be as
big a help with the traffic shaping stuff, but at least I'll be
reasonably sure I'm not screwing anything else up.
And now I'm wondering just how hard it would be to come up with
(handwave) something that would combine automatic form generation,
web-based testing code and summary code. We have these multiple
conferences that need registration pages; while some of the
information is the same (name, email address) some is different (one
conference has a banquet, another wants to know if you're going to be
attending all three days). Putting all this in a database and using
something like Formitable to generate the form seems perfect.
Since I'm already using Perl's WWW::Mechanize and Test::More to test
the pages, it'd be nice to have it look at the stuff used to generate
the form and use that to test the page. (That's not the clearest way I
could put that, but if I don't write this down now I'll never write it
down.) And if I could add something that'd automatically generate
summary pages for conference organizers, it'd be even better; stuff
like email and address is always easy, but being aware of special
questions would be nice too. (Though maybe not necessary…how hard is
it to generate summary pages?)
Trouble is, this is a lot of deep thinking that I've never really had
to do before. I suspect this sort of thing is a good programmer's
bread and butter, but I've never been a programmer (good or
otherwise). The more I think about this, the more I can't decide
whether this is really hard, possible but too much effort to be worth
it, or already done by something I haven't come across yet.
The little things I can handle, though. This crash looks like
it's happening because of a mixup between rand(3)
. In Linux, both have a maximum of RAND_MAX
, but in
Solaris the latter has a maximum of 2^31. This wreaks havoc with the
let's-shuffle-the-playlist routine in XMMS, and we end up with a
crash. Once I figure out how to program in C, it shouldn't be too hard
to get it fixed. :-)
01 Mar 2007
Now that pkgsrc is working on the main Solaris box on work, I've been
trying to compile Kile, the lovely KDE-based LaTeX editor. KDE,
of course, brings in lots of other stuff; in other situations there
are probably ways of keeping things out (this is where Portage's USE
flags are nice), but as far as I could tell there was no way of
keeping, say, libogg out of the KDE build.
But the annoying part is when the build of KDE stuff failed because
OpenEXR, ILM's open-source high dynamic range graphics file
format, failed to compile. And why? Because hypotf
isn't defined,
along with a bunch of similarly-named functions (atanf
, cosf
and so on). I tried throwing -lm
, but that did
Some digging around in include files on a couple different machines
turned up the problem: these functions were added in Solaris 10, and
thus are not present on Solaris 9. I haven't been able to find any
mention of this problem yet, at least for OpenEXR and/or pkgsrc; I'm
hoping that there will be some other way of making this work.
26 Feb 2007
I've finally got pkg-src working on the Solaris 9 machine at work. I've been banging my head against this stupid thing for two weeks, only to find that a) you really do need /usr/ccs/lib
in your path, and b) you should check everywhere to make sure GNU's ld isn't in your path (if you're on Solaris). Now everything is compiling happily.
And in other news, I've been working on Nexenta for the last couple of weeks, trying to help knock down the bugs preventing a beta release. My development skills are limited but at least some of the problems are within my reach. There's not a lot of traffic on the mailing list, or on IRC, which worries me a little…but the commit log is nice and busy, so that's good. And I got that package of IceWM I was looking for. :-)
12 Feb 2007
Disgust is the feeling you get when you realize that the sudden and
mysterious failures you've been tracking down for the last half hour
happened because you typed $debug == 1;
11 Feb 2007
date: Sun Feb 11 20:12:09 PST 2007

This was Arlo's first time going all the way under water. He was definitely surprised by the whole operation, but he didn't panic or cry or anything. Such a trooper.
30 Jan 2007
I installed RT at work a couple days ago using pkgsrc. This
was the first time I'd ever used pkgsrc, and I have to say I'm
impressed. Yes, it's just like a portable ports tree — but it's
just like a portable ports tree, and I'm starting to think that's a
very, very powerful idea.
RT went well except for the final install, where it complained and
died. Fortunately, it turned out to be susceptible to exactly the
sort of one-line patch that I have an affinity for. Not as cool as
correcting Theo de Raadt's code, mind you :-) but still a good
Ah...RT, I've missed you.
27 Jan 2007
Brian Cain told me to get my ass in gear and try out a
Nexenta (I'm elaborating on his words a little) and I'm glad he
did. I've installed it on my desktop machine on a second hard drive,
and I have to say I'm impressed so far. Debian plus Solaris…damn,
girl. Damn.
Everything is a .deb package, including all the SUNW stuff, and
there appear to be a ton more packages available. Mutt and Emacs are
there, as is procmail and fetchmail; I may see if I can get a package
going for icewm, which'd be just about all I need. (Of course,
ratpoison's already available…) (Update: someone's already
working on it; haven't made it to the end of the thread yet, but
it may already be done.) There was a lot of Gnome stuff installed that
I don't want, but that's okay; Nexenta's deliberately
emulating/duplicating Ubuntu, and anyway the install disk (which comes
with Tetris, btw) has a minimal option which I suspect'd be right up
my alley (for server or desktop).
I'm in the process of creating a zone right now, into which'll go
Apache2 and MySQL. I did trip over these bugs in the
process, but apt-get dist-upgrade
fixed the first and some judicious
editing of /usr/lib/nexenta-zones/elatte-unstable.bootstrap
the second (I'm guessing they haven't made a new package since the
fix). (Update: My own damn fault for not noticing that the new
version was in unstable, not testing. I'm upgrading now.)
was set up with ZFS, and I've made a snapshot
already. The GRUB menu entry was not correct — it pointed at the
primary IDE drive (hd0) instead of the second (hd1) — but again, that
was easily fixed. I should file a bug on that.
I still have some questions. I'd like to know (and will try to watch
to find out) how often they update their packages, especially security
fixes. I'm curious to see how closely they follow OpenSolaris.org
development…though since I only have a hazy idea how OS.org do it, I'm
not really sure what to look for. And of course, this is an unstable
distro; I might want to hold off on replacing the server with it.
But for desktop use and/or experimentation, this is neat stuff. I can
always get my mail on my firewall if need be. :-)
23 Jan 2007
- Word-by-word diff of GPLv2 and v3
- New version of Unix Backup and Recovery, by W. Curtis Preston. The first was amazing; this one covers Windows and Mac OS X as well. WANT.
- Good reading and good suggestions. I need to alias ls, fg, mutt, sudo, and to shorten my alias for SSHing to my webserver.
- I think I finally figured out what was going on when my desktop machine at work had a suddenly borked mouse/X relationship: double-clicking was inconsistent, single-clicking was inconsistent, but the keyboard still worked. It happened again a few days ago, and I managed to run xev and verify that things really were messed up: the mouse and all its clicks and motions just weren't registering at all. I managed to figure out what was (probably) going on when I came across this link. In the end, what worked for me was switching to a console and running
cat /dev/input/mouse1
. Don't know why (yet!) but that seemed to reset everything.
Still to come: Why upgrading is the most important thing EVAR.
23 Jan 2007
People have been calling me out on my last post, and that's good; I
love a good argument^Wdebate, and doubly so when it comes from people
w/more experience than me. So I'm going to start responding to the
comments, laying out where I'm wrong and where I still think I'm
I said:
OpenSolaris: If I wanted to upgrade everything by hand, I'd stick with Slackware.
Bzzt! As I found on on a recent episode of BSDTalk,
NetBSD's pkgsrc is available for over nine hundred
thousand operating systems, including Solaris and Slackware
Linux. Tha's right, both premises in that statement were wrong.
Not only that, pkgsrc can be tucked out of the way so that it doesn't
interfere with the rest of the system…so I could even throw it on
Thornhill right now, Slackware and all, and start using it instead of
my own half-assed build script for Apache/SSH/PHP/OpenSSL/mod_ssl
(which, in my own defence, works pretty darned well).
In fact, tomorrow I'm heading out to The Other University to set up
two new X4200 servers, and I'm seriously considering adding pkgsrc to
them — if only to avoid having to compile (and botch) Lapack and
Blas. If that goes well, I may start adding it to the main server here
so that we can easily get more up-to-date versions of Firefox et
al. (Though I could probably get them from Blastwave…this has been a
low enough priority for me so far that I haven't really looked into
all my options.)
That is not to say it's perfect:
- While it has six thousand packages or so in its tree, only (…) something like two or three thousand compile.
- Upgrading is less than perfect; as you'd expect, the process is basically remove-and-recompile…and since that goes for dependencies as well (at least in the default case), it can potentially be a while before it all gets back to a useable state:
It is possible, and in the case of updating a package with
hundreds of dependencies, arguably even likely that the process will
fail at some point. One can fix problems and resume the update by
typing make update in the original directory, but the system can have
unusuable packages for a prolonged period of time. Thus, many people
find 'make update' too dangerous, particularly for something like glib
on a system using gnome.
To use binary packages if available with "make update", use
"UPDATE_TARGET=bin-install". If package tarball is not available in
${PACKAGES} locally or at URLs (defined with BINPKG_SITES), it will
build a package from source.
To enable manual rollback one can keep binary packages. One method is
to always use 'make package', and to have "DEPENDS_TARGET=package" in
/etc/mk.conf. Another is to use pkg_tarup to save packages before
From the Swedish NetBSD wiki.
It's nice that manual rollback is doable; that's always my big paranoia when it comes to source-based upgrades.
That last complaint is not as fair as it could be. I mean, I'm not
going to be upgrading Gnome on either Thornhill or the two new Sun
machines. And at around 80 packages, it would be damned difficult to
try and recompile it all without starting with a clean slate. But
this sort of nonsense with Gnome is what put me off the ports
tree in FreeBSD.
(I was going to put in something about how Debian doesn't need that
sort of thing, but I should research that first.)
21 Jan 2007
libpst is a command-line tool that converts Outlook .pst files
into standard mbox files, the way T&R intended. Wish I'd known
about this before…
One of the outstanding feature requests is listing and extracting
individual messages. Maybe I'll take a look at this.
In other news, I borked my home machine (Debian testing) by trying to
extend a partition w/ReiserFS. That gave me a perfect excuse to
upgrade to a bigger disk and reinstall Debian.
Next up is maybe looking at replacing my venerable copy of Slackware
9 with a Debian install, too; the ease of installing and upgrading
Debian packages is just too good to pass up.
I did consider other OSs:
- FreeBSD: Even after three years, port-upgrade still scares me.
- NetBSD: meh, what's exciting about that?
- OpenBSD: Secure, yes, and God knows I'd like to use pf. But not easy to upgrade, either ports or releases.
- Dragonfly: Not yet.
- BSDs in general: I want a journalled FS.
- OpenSolaris: If I wanted to upgrade everything by hand, I'd stick with Slackware.
And yes, I realize I'm damned ignorant, and that a server should not
be exciting. But I'm convinced that a big part of running a server
successfully is ease of upgrading, whether security fixes or new app
versions, and Debian is just wonderful.
16 Jan 2007
Hi everyone...in case you haven't noticed, I've changed the software I use for my blog. This is just here for archival purposes; no comments or trackbacks or pings are allowed. The new blog is where all the action'll be. C'mon over and have a look!
12 Jan 2007
Solved a ghostscript problem at work yesterday; not a big deal in
itself, but I'd always had this impression that GS crashes were dark,
nasty, impenetrable things that I could not possibly understand. I
mean, c'mahn, look at this error:
$ ps2pdf report06w5060.ps
Error: /invalidfont in findfont
Operand stack:
Fi 87 --nostringval-- 55 45 --nostringval-- 65 74
74 111 74 83 46 65 65 83 83 83 83 120 46 2
--nostringval-- 4
6 83 83 46 74 83 74 83 83 12 --nostringval-- 92
83 101 1 --nostringval-- 101 120 1 --nostringval-- 138
4 --nostring
val-- 120 120 101 101 120 111 101 101 19
--nostringval-- 55 42 1 --nostringval-- 83 2
--nostringval-- 55 35 --nostringv
al-- 83 83 2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 45 166.044
Times-Italic Font Times-Italic 496086 Times-Italic
--nostringval-- Times-It
alic NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal (NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal)
NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal (NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal)
Execution stack:
%interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval--
--nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval--
--nostringval-- --nostringval-- f
alse 1 %stopped_push 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop
1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop .runexec2
--nostringval-- --nostring
val-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval--
--nostringval-- 74 4 %oparray_pop 75 4 %oparray_pop
--nostringval-- --nostringv
al-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1
%stopped_push 78 5 %oparray_pop --nostringval--
--nostringval-- --nostring
val-- 5 -1 1 --nostringval-- %for_neg_int_continue
--nostringval-- --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
--dict:1046/1123(ro)(G)-- --dict:0/20(G)-- --dict:75/200(L)--
--dict:103/300(L)-- --dict:17/17(ro)(G)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 2
Current file position is 95763
AFPL Ghostscript 8.00: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Then, in desperation, I JFGI and found the problem: for some
reason, the fonts had disappeared. This is an old install with lots of
overlapping installs of everything, so it's hard to tell why it
might've happened. However, it should just be a matter of either
getting rid of the old install (rm /opt/bin/gs* (and yes, I know
that's bogus)) or setting GS_FONTPATH
and GS_LIB
appropriately. (Or figuring out why they got borked…hm.)
OTOH, on the same machine I've got The Case Of The Missing Java:
$ java
There was an error trying to initialize the HPI library.
Please check your installation, HotSpot does not work correctly
when installed in the JDK 1.2 Solaris Production Release, or
with any JDK 1.1.x release.
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
instead of (same version of Solaris, too):
$ java
Usage: java [-options] class [args...] (to execute a class)
or java -jar [-options] jarfile [args...] (to execute a jar file)
which kind of worries me since its, like, Solaris and all, and java
really should be working. Sigh.
09 Jan 2007
From openbsd-misc:
Do you have any idea how fucking insane the h.323 protocol is? Anyone
who runs a h.323 should get shoved out a window, beaten, flayed,
spanked, shot, disembowled, hung, and forced to listen to hummpa music. If
you want to firewall h.323, go commit yourself to an asylum with
straight jackets and with padded walls -- at least you'll be in common
company with the other linux wacko's.
08 Jan 2007
As you can see, I've changed my blog a bit. I'm now using Gnu make,
Perl, AsciiDoc and Emacs to generate everything. The old blog
can still be found here, though i'll eventually be turning off
comments for it.
Which brings me to another thing: comments on the new one are going to
be a little funny, at least at first. Comments will be emailed to me;
while I'll be scripting it eventually, for right now I'll be applying
comments by hand. I'll write later about exactly what I'm trying to
accomplish with all this, but right now my wife wants her laptop
back. ("Are you writing in your new blog yet? Is it dreamy? Are you
going to tell anyone where it is?" Aye, it's a fine marriage. :-)
Inna meantime, if you notice any problems please email me: aardvark at
saintaardvarkthecarpeted dot com. In particular, I've tried to make
sure that RSS continues to work with the old links; let me know if you
run into problems.
08 Jan 2007
There is nothing worse than a problem that goes away once you restart
the program. Case in point: ls -l /home
ran atrociously slow
(slowly?) on a Solaris 10 machine at work today. It's running Sun's DS
5.2 (or whatever they're calling it these days).
I've come across this problem before when I was trying to figure out
how to get the thing to bind to itself by default as an LDAP client,
rather than to one of the remote servers that're meant to be backups.
This time, though, that simply wasn't the problem: no traffic was
going to the other machines at all. All I saw was looooooooooong
lookup times for simple passwd stuff. Error logs showed
nothing. Access logs swore blind that access times were on the order
of zero nanoseconds. Truss showed it kept mmap()
ing things; dtrace
showed a whole lotta reads. I couldn't figure out more than that
(which, natch, is my fault, not the tools).
In the end and out of desperation I restarted the server…which did the
trick but left me frustrated that I'm no closer to figuring out what's
going on with the damn thing.
07 Jan 2007
title: Go Elf Yourself
date: Sun Jan 7 07:06:23 PST 2007
So this is 'way late. But a while back someone sent me a link to their Flash movie on www.elfyourself.com: a picture of their head on an elf, dancing and singing Xmas songs. Of course, at the end of it they offered you the chance to create one of your own. I was about to, when I noticed the terms of service. Check it out:
GRANT OF RIGHTS. By submitting a photograph or any other material
(including, without limitation, vocal messages, text messages, or
text) (each a "Submission"), I hereby grant to OMX, Inc., its
subsidiaries and affiliated companies and each of their respective
licensees, successors and assigns (collectively, "OfficeMax"), the
unlimited right and permission to use the Submission or any part
thereof (including, without limitation, my name, screen name, instant
message name, or email address) throughout the universe, in
perpetuity, in any manner or venue and for any purpose whatsoever,
including, without limitation, for purposes of advertising, promotion
or trade in promoting and publicizing OfficeMax and its products and
services, by means of any and all media and devices whether now known
or hereafter devised, which includes, without limitation, the
unlimited right and permission to post the submission on the
[reindeer.com, elf.com, pole.com, etc.] websites (collectively, the
"Websites"). OfficeMax shall have the right, in its sole discretion,
to edit, composite, morph, scan, duplicate or alter the Submission in
any manner for any purpose which OfficeMax deems necessary or
desirable, and I irrevocably waive any and all so-called moral rights
I may have in the submission and I agree I shall have no right of
approval, no claim to compensation, and no claim (including, without
limitation, claims based upon invasion of privacy, defamation or right
of publicity) arising out of any use, blurring, alteration, editing,
morphing, distortion, illusionary effect, faulty reproduction,
fictionalization, or use in any composite form of my name, picture,
likeness, voice, and biographical information.
Submission, I agree that: (1) any and all disputes, claims, and causes
of action arising out of or connected with the Submission shall be
resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (2)
any and all claims, judgements and awards shall be limited to actual
out of pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with
submitting the Submission, but in no event will attorneys' fees be
awarded or recoverable; and (3) under no circumstances will I be
permitted to obtain any award for, and I hereby knowingly and
expressly waive all rights to seek, punitive, incidental or
consequential damages and/or any other damages, other than actual out
of pocket expenses, and/or any and all rights to have damage
multiplied or otherwise increased. I acknowledge and agree that
OfficeMax is not responsible for any costs, injuries, losses, or
damages of any kind arising from or in connection with: (i)
transmission, or technical problems, failures, or malfunctions of any
kind, whether originating with sender, with OfficeMax or otherwise,
that may limit my ability to upload my Submission; and/or (ii) any
injury or damage resulting from making the Submission (including,
without limitation, claims, costs, injuries, losses and damages
related to personal injuries, death, damage to, loss or destruction of
property, or any claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages related to
or based on my rights of publicity or privacy, or a claim that I have
somehow been defamed or portrayed in a false light).
So: Office Max can take your picture and paste it into one of an Al-Qaida meeting. They can forward it on to the FBI. Not only that, they retain rights to the picture "throughout the universe, in perpetuity, in any manner or venue and for any purpose whatsoever". They can also spam you into submission long after you're dead. They could do this to the entire population of, say, Alberta, and you're not allowed to join a class-action lawsuit. And if you get sent to Guantanamo to rot out the rest of your existence, that's just tough; Office Max will not accept responsibility for that.
Incredible. Absolutely fucking incredible.
06 Jan 2007
At work, one of our visitors had a problem: his browser kept crashing
whenever he visited crashing whenever he visited his university's
webpage. That's what caused this problem, with the ginormous
core files; Firefox would start grabbing memory at a rate of about
10-20MB/s, and then Solaris would kill it off once it got to around
2.5GB. Truss showed that it kept opening a copy of the Times Roman
font over and over again, but I couldn't figure out why.
I tried duplicating it under my own account, but couldn't — so I moved
my .mozilla
out of the way and set up a new profile, which did have
the problem. At first I figured it must be Javascript; I hate
Javascript and almost always turn it off (but thanks to the NoScript
plugin it's easy to toggle it for individual sites), so that must
be it, right? Wrong. Okay, so what about prefs.js
? Nope.
After copying over nearly all the files in my original profile, FF was
still grabbing memory…until finally, out of desperation, I copied over
the Flash plugin. And by the beard of Zeus, it worked!
I did some digging around (there are a truly depressing number of
Mozilla bugs that mention Flash) and found mention (sorry, lost link)
that some methods of detecting whether a browser has the Flash plugin
can end up using all the memory available to the browser. That sounds
similar enough to what I saw that I think I'm going to call that the
problem-designate for now.
05 Jan 2007
I have just spent two and a half hours trying to track down the reason
a page on a Joomla site suddenly started saying "You are not
authorized to view this resource". In the end it turned out to be a
known problem with the OpenSEF plugin, but it took me a
stupidly long time to even guess that might be the
problem. (Probably shoulda searched for the error message first…)
There has to be a better way to do this. The only way I could figure
to trace the problem was by sprinkling lots of print "FIXME: Made it
throughout the code. I know, it's a terrible way of doing
it, but running php index.php
didn't seem to work — I couldn't get
the code to see the arguments I was trying to pass on. What am I
03 Jan 2007
title: Why is the system load 200?
date: Wed Jan 3 20:33:51 PST 2007
Tag: scripting
Here's a fun game: create a large (>1GB) file in your home directory called core and start Firefox. Have a look at this part of run-mozilla.sh:
if [ -x "$crc_prog" ]
if [ -f core ]
crc_old=`$crc_prog core | awk '{print $1;}' `
## Run the program
"$prog" ${1+"$@"}
if [ -f core ]
crc_new=`$crc_prog core | awk '{print $1;}' `
if [ "$crc_old" != "$crc_new" ]
printf "\n\nOh no! %s just dumped a core file.\n\n" $prog
printf "Do you want to debug this ? "
printf "You need a lot of memory for this, so watch out ? [y/n] \"
Care to guess what'll happen? That's right: Firefox will take 10
seconds to start up because its busy md5summing a big-ass core
file. The user will think that it hasn't launched at all and will
click again. Rinse and repeat, with more and more clicking every
time. By the time I figured out what was going wrong, the system load
was about 200. Fortunately, its a simple thing to add
judiciously (not DEBUG_CORE_FILES=0
; I keep
forgetting that a simple [ $FOO ]
simply tests whether $FOO
empty, not whether its non-zero).
Also: the advantage to being in a small shop is that if youre the only
one running Linux on the desktop, you can just go ahead and add things
like the latest version of Firefox (now without the amusing bug that
makes a search work on some other random tab, instead of the one
you're looking at) and the MySQL DBD connector for Perl. It's really
incredible how much irritation those two things are gonna save me.
Finally: this is just plain cool. As he did during the Bash
scripting BOF,Wout takes me to school. Didn't know about: ssh -t,
COLUMNS/LINES environment variables, tput, or just how much
Applescript can do.
29 Dec 2006
Memo to myself: Don't eat the Turkey sashimi.
In other news: I don't usually post links to things just to say "go
read this". However, I'll make an exception in these cases.
First, I was recently going to use the word "Manichean" to mean
"dualistic, good-vs-evil view of the universe, with an implied
inevitable battle between the two". However, when I Googled for it to
check the spelling, I came across this article explaining why
that wasn't a terribly accurate use of the word. Interesting stuff...I
certainly didn't know there were any Buddhist-influenced ascetics
hanging around Baghdad in the 3rd century.
Second, there's some interesting and contradictory stuff on the
procedures for GPG/PGP keysigning parties here and here. Why
does publicizing a public key "slightly reduce the security of a key
pair"? I don't know. I've had a quick look through my copy of Applied
Cryptography (3rd Ed.), donated by the kind man behind Pangolin
Systems, but can't find anything from Saint Bruce about
this. Anyone?
Third, there's an excellent set of tools for keysigning parties
available here. One of the people who signed my key at LISA had
used caff to send it back, which is a nice wrapper around the whole
procedure (grab the key, sign the key, encrypt the key with itself,
email it back to each of the key's email addresses). The lack of
understandable (but see next paragraph's self-ass-kicking)
documentation for GPG means that a) this automation is very nice, and
b) I'm kicking myself for not buying Michael Lucas' book
from the No Starch Press booth at LISA.
Fourth, if'n you've got GPG, it's worth reading the documentation,
like the FAQ or the GNU Privacy Handbook. Shame on me for
not doing that previously. (And shame on me for taking so long to
email people's keys back to them.)
Fifth, you can find some pretty stats here, or the trust path
from me to Wietse Venema. Geek Pride!
Sixth and finally, there is this handy little page about how to
set up a CPAN library in your home directory. Since it took me a while
to track this down, I'm throwing it in here so's I can find it quicker
next time.